Pillars filled with Masha posters at the hall lobbyThere is long a message by Masha being flashed on the screen. Masha mentioned why he want to have 大感謝祭 despite his super busy schedule this year, what are the things he had done this year, what is the difference between 大感謝祭 and normal concerts etc. I was really touched when he said “ただ逢いたくて..” (only want to meet (fans)). Then he followed by “EXILEです. 私の友たちはオカザイルです。(オカザイル OKAXILE is a unique group formed in 2007 by EXILE and 岡村 隆史” Hahaha! This is one portion of his message:
最後には、必ずや、『キスして』と言わせてみせます!! 』
See! Masha can be so humorous!
The message ended by saying let’s start as it’s difficult to explain大感謝祭. The audience has to experience it. Yap, what Masha wrote is true.
Masha stepped onto the stage after the message ended. The screams and applauses were so loud!
Masha wore a blank pants and vest, with a white long sleeve shirt. So jazz style and cool! Masha is so かっこいい!
Masha started strumming his guitar and played つながる時間, the music he has composed for Citizen recently. I wonder if he will have lyrics for this music. It’s the first time I heard him play this music live. He then sang Dear. His singing is full of emotion!
The rearrangement of Gang is so jazzy! It’s not as hard as before and I really love it. During the MC, as usual Masha asked about 『出席確認』. He asked about fans from 関東. He went into the 関東 area and suddenly he felt himself silly and said he can’t cover all the areas in 関東. (>_<;) Then goes 関西、北海道 (he asked fans it must be warmer here as compared to Hokkaido),九州, 沖縄(he apologized for making her come all the way). Finally he asked “海外から?” I immediately shouted “シンガポール!” Masha put his hand (too glaring for him to see the audience) on his forehead and tried to search for me. I waved so hard with my hands!
Masha found me and said something like きっと日本人でしょう?(must be a Japanese)“(another fan in the blog mentioned it is「ど~みても日本人ですよね~」(no matter how I look, you look like a Japanese). I shouted my reply “違います!” (it’s wrong!) Masha was taken by surprised and looked puzzled. I shouted my reply again. Masha was speechless! (^_^y) The whole hall was so quiet… There were applause by other fans when some fans shouted they were from 北海道, 九州 and 沖縄. But when I shouted, I wonder why no applause (this happened in 松山 too). It’s funny. I guess the fans are just shocked and find it unbelievable that I came from overseas.Anyway. Masha then continued to thank all the fans for coming and sang his song.
It’s the first time I heard him sang Gloaming Way live. He said he composed this song when he was in LA many years back. Wow, his sexy voice… ah, I almost melt.
Then it came to countdown time. As usual, the screen will display the different TV channels. Masha tuned to Coundown TV, EXILE was performing (abit of screams from audience). Then Johnny Countdown, Hey Say Jump was performing (screams again). NHK showed a visit to a temple located in a cave in 松山. NHK education was showing a orchestra performance. Another station showed a comedian going to onsen and there were traps of scary things. Masha asked us which channel we want watch and asked us to raise our hands to vote when he tuned to the channel. He switched to NHK channel and no response. Masha giggled.
Seems like the audience is not responsive in watching the channel. So Masha tried to start new conversations. Some fans shouted to ask him to sing. Masha said ダメですよ。今歌う中途半版ちゃ (can’t, it’ll be half way – ie. sing only part of the song).
New Year almost arrived and Masha invited his band to come out. When it is almost 0:00, Masha was so excited and said 私は踊るかな? (shall I dance?), and started dancing by moving his body. His action was so funny and cute.
“10, 9, 8….1, Happy New Year!!!” Ribbons were blasted out! Yes, I am so happy to be able to cross over the New Year with Masha again. And of course with Mami for the first time.
After the countdown, Masha and band started playing a music which I found familiar. It was Homage!!! This is the piece of music that Masha has composed for 植田正治さん. It has never been cut into CD and Masha have never played this concert. I am really fortunate to be able to hear this live.
Then Masha talked in his MC and showed us the photos during the concert tour he took last year. There was photo of him visiting 静岡神社. His おみぐじwas not good. So the next photo showed that he ate 5 団子 at one go (with mouth opened wide!). Maybe he was too angry! Haha. The next photo showed him with 加藤晴彦 (かとう はるひこ. He’s Masha’s good friend) at 名古屋(加藤さん hometown) having a meal. Both showed a very surprised expression. Next photo is they hold forks and spoons which are bended.
The come to the photo Masha took at 楽屋 and he was doing boxing! There was photo of him sticking his face on the TV and making funny expression (the screen showed the host of 紅白), 笑福亭鶴瓶(しょうふくていつるべ). The next photo showed a band playing, and a close up photo showed 井上 鑑(いのうえ あきら) was there! He participated in the performance and rushed back for Masha’s concert. Everyone gave him a very big round of applause. Masha mentioned about井上さん wearing Citizen watch, which is quite obvious from the photo. 井上さん got shy. Haha. The last photo showed Masha eating the New Year soba (Japanese tradition is to eat this soba for longevity). Masha covered his eyebrow while eating the soba. Oh gosh. So funny. Some fans shouted かわいい~~. Masha replied 「こんなんで、いいんですか?・・・・・・・あなたたち、ほんと~にいい人だねぇ~ (Is it ok?... you are so kind).
Masha then asked us who accompany us to the concert. Couple? Friends? Parents? Alone? As usual, he also asked who is 10代、20代 and he always stopped after that. Haha. Not to make us embarrassed about our age.
Squall, one of my favorite Masha’s song. It is the first time I heard him sang Moon. The lights flashed and it showed stars and a big moon showed on the screen behind Masha. It’s so sentimental. I love the new arrangement.
Oh...Moon. I love it so much! There was a moon flashed on the screen behind Masha when he sang it. There were lights which made it seemed like many stars in the hall. So romantic!!!
Before the second part of the concert, a video on 荘口さん talking about Masha’s identities this year was displayed. Masha as a musician having concert tour, filming for CM, DJ, producer for KOH+ and actor in ガリレオ. 2007 is a very busy year for Masha. As Masha mentioned, he has overworked.
There are messages displayed by comments from other people like リリー.フランキ (Lily Franky, author of Tokyo Tower and is Masha’s good friend) about Masha. Then the second part of the concert started.
A familiar sound appeared.. It was Hard Luck Lover! Oh, gosh. I heard it live in 1998 concert. It was almost 9 years ever since Masha sang this song again in his concerts.
Masha was really rock in the second part of the concert. When he played 覚醒モーメント and vs.~知覚と快楽の螺旋~ (both are music pieces composed by him for ガリレオ ) with his guitar, I went crazy. Yes, totally crazy and uncontrollable. His expression when playing guitar was so cool and かっこいい. He was so engrossed in the playing and his expression showed how much he love guitar. From the way he played guitar, you can see that he has already moved to the God of Guitar category, just like Santana and Eric Clapton. Masha’s 手の筋 (veins from his hand) are so sexy!!! Oh, I almost fainted. I have never seen such a かっこいい Masha live. Of course, he is かっこいい , but this is the most かっこいい Masha I have ever wanted and dreamed to see. It was the first time I heard Masha sang 逃げられない and White Light White Heat live. If not for this portion of the concert showing Masha’s rock perspective, he would not have sang these 2 songs. We sang along with Masha when he sang Carnival. It was so good to be able to sing this song with him at the concert again (we did this in April concert). Masha sang 群青 ~ultramarine~. This is his new song, which is not in CD yet. First time for me to hear it live. Masha is really great. He’s beginning to write a lot of songs which evolve around the world and his inner feelings that express how sentimental he is. This was the end of the concert. I knew there would be an encore but still felt sad as my time with Masha is going to end soon….Yap, encore started and as usual we clapped and clapped non-stop. Kept shouting Masha’s name. When Masha came out, he asked us if we are still alright and kept saying that we are sleepy. Acutally he was the one who is sleepy. He looked sleepy. He turned back and then turned round again to show his 元気 face. He even rolled up his sleeves and showed he has bicep and is strong and healthy. Hahaha. I was screaming like mad when he showed his bicep.
Masha then sang KISSして, he was rather shy. This song was written from the female point of view. So I guess he felt embarrassed especially when he sang the words Chu Chu Chu and KISSして. Masha sang much better than 柴咲 コウ(しばさき こう). Masha also asked us to sing KISSして during the chorus! I always felt motivated when Masha sang . 約束の丘. I guess is the melody and the lyrics. When Masha sang, もっとそばにきて, we put up our hands and did the action of waving for him to come to us. This is the usual movement we do. He sang 「もっとそばにきてを歌っているときに、「♪もたれていいよ僕の肩に~♪」 and rolled up his sleeve again! I was so high and kept shouting “Woo woo!!” (^_^y) [one Masha’s fan wrote in her blog that she was quite shocked of my reaction!!! She was seated probably a few rows in front of me. Haha!]After all the shouting and screaming and excitement, the song ended. Fans kept shouting Masha’s name and he said そんなに、ましゃましゃ言ってると、夢でもましゃましゃって言っちゃうよ。隣で、だんなさん寝てるのに・・・」(if you keep on shouting Masha like now, you will also call Masha in your dream. Yet, the one sleeping beside you is your husband…). Masha likes to joke. The whole hall became very silent when Masha talked. Masha said why he wanted to hold 大感謝祭 despite his busy schedule. He has to start rehersal and the rearrangements of thesongs immediately after hi filming of ガリレオ ended. His reason is [ただりたいことをやります] (I just want to do things I want to do). Masha’s style! Cool! He continued to say that 『ある意味夢を実現できた今回のライブを開くことができて本当にファンのみんなに感謝しています。』(Thank you so much for allowing me to realize my dream by having this year大感謝祭). Masha’s dream.. I think is to be a guitarist.
Masha then said he wants to dedicate this song to all the people who is travelling back to their hometown, or going to somewhere. He strummed the guitar and the music for 東京にもあったんだ started. This is the last song for the concert… I felt sad…Masha went to the center and every corner of the stage to wave and bow to us. He was smiling. His smile showed that he is very happy, satisfied and 幸せ. 本当にいい顔です。Before he went in, he blowed kisses to us. The music of “Heart” was displayed and the big screen showed Masha’s message to us:
「また逢ろう!またやろうな!!! 2008.1.1 パシフィコ横浜 福山雅治」(Let’s meet again! Let’s do it again! 2008.1.1 Pacifico Yokohama Fukuyama Masaharu)
[Masha always write the same message for each concert]The concert ended around 2.50am.. It was shorter than 2004 大感謝祭. But it is alright. I have confirmed once again why I love Masha so much. I am really glad that I have spent the countdown with him again. ましゃ、また逢えるな!またやろうな!
福山雅治 『福山☆冬の大感謝祭 其の八 働きざかりは 末広がり!だから、、、♪年末にもあったんだ♪』
01. つながる時間
02. Dear
03. Gang★
04. 無敵のキミ
07. Squall
08. Moon
09. Hard Luck Lover
10. 覚醒モーメント
11. THE EDGE OF CHAOS ~愛の一撃~
12. vs.~知覚と快楽の螺旋~
13. 逃げられない
15. それがすべてさ
16. Carnival
17. 群青 ~ultramarine~
~Encore 1~
18. KISSして
19. 約束の丘
20. もっとそばにきて
~Encore 2~
21.東京にもあったんだ (solo)