Soul with Masha

Monday, March 24, 2008


Pat put up the video that he filmed us dancing at Danz People class last Tuesday in his Facebook.

I saw my dancing and I want to puke!!! Last Tuesday I did very badly in class. Same for the first class at Danz People where Pat also put the video on Facebook.

Haiz, why can't he put the video that I at least did better in class???

Anyway, bottom line is that I need to brush up my dancing skills.... my goal for this year!

Bodycombat and Bodypump

I like the new bodycombat tracks that are newly launched this week. The tracks are nice and fun. Especially the jingle part. I really love it!!! I worked out so much last Friday that I had muscle ache on Sat and Sun. Yap, yesterday I went for combat again... it was fun. Experienced muscle ache again this morning.. but who cares... as long as I enjoy it.

The new bodypump tracks are challenging. Especially the track on chest training. Non-stop all the way! I pushed myself really hard this time. I think I have slacked too much previously. I increased the weights for squats 2 weeks back. Toshie told me the weights for shoulder press is too light for me, so I increased the weights yesterday too. The weights I used now are:

Warm up - 5kg
Squats - 9kg
Chest - 5kg
Shoulder press - 9kg
Triceps - 4kg
Biceps - 5kg
Launches - no weights

I hope to increase the weights again in near future. I met Gio (my ex-trainer) yesterday and he said my arms get bigger. Hmm, I don't want my arms to get bigger, just tone will do.

High Heels

I bought a pair of high heels for Exotic Dance last Friday. It was about 5 years ago when I bought my last pair of high heels.

I walked from Zara at Taka, to shops like Mango, Charles and Keith, Aldo in Wisma to search for a pair of suitable high heels. The shops were so crowded! There were some ongoing sale at certain shops. Even no sale, there were women trying on the shoes. I checked the heels by flipping it up. I cannot remember how many high heels I have checked. It was a tedious job! I cannot understand why women like to wear those high heels. Especially those heels which are thinner than my fingers! It is so torturing!!!

I search for 2 hours and finally tried my luck at Isetan Wisma. Luckily I managed to bought a pair of high heels at a 50% discount, which came up to $32.95. The heels are still high (2.5 inch). But still it is of flat base, so at least I can still balance, I hope. Got to try it for class this Thursday... wish me luck!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Birthday presents

I bought myself birthday presents! Though it is a little bit early, I am happy to receive my own birthday presents.

These are what I have bought for myself:

1) 水嶋ヒロ pictorial books - Hiro and With You

I like 水嶋ヒロくん (Mizushima Hiro) more recently. Probably because I rewatched 花ざかりの君たちへ: イケメン パラダイス. I like 水嶋くん's voice and smile. Hiro's voice reminds me of Masha's voice. I feel calm, relax and attracted to Masha and Hiro's voices.

These 2 pictorial books have taken some very nice photos of 水嶋くん. 水嶋くん looks nice in casual wear. I like one of the photographers' skills. I tend to like to buy pictorial books. Probably because I like to take potraits. The pictorial books serve as a reference for me.

I have been checking on 水嶋くん's information and watch his videos (though limited) recently. Hmm, my life is full of 水嶋くん now. ヤバイです。私は水嶋くんのことは本当に好きです。

2) EXILE's pictorial book - Road to Chapter 2

I saw this book in Japan last April, but did not buy it because it is rather heavy and my trip was long (15 days). I regretted it and search for it during my Japan trips in Sept and Dec 07 but unable to find it. So I just got this for my birthday present this year.

This book recorded the EXILE vocal battle audition and the day of battle, Takahiro's first recording and first shoting of PV etc. It contains photos and interviews as well. So it is really a MUST buy for EXILE's fans.

I wonder if I can watch EXILE's concerts this year... they are having their first Dome concerts this year.. I would really want to be there!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008


I will always listen to EXILE’s song Everything whenever I feel down or depressed or face with troubles. On days when I need to have a song to cheer me up, I will also listen to Everything.

I like Everything lyrics. This song always gave me the power and feel that it is really a blessing to be alive. I will feel 元気 after listening to it. I am really amazed on how Atushi’s words can affect me.


作詩: Atsushi
作曲 : h-wonder

眩しすぎる 太陽の下


駆け抜けた 日々の中で

遠回りしてもいい 近道しても結局
最後には大丈夫 大事なもの見えるよ

また一歩 歩き出すよ
生きてることで すべてはOKさ!

青すぎる 空と海に
ありのまま 素直になっていく

過ぎていく 日々の中で

悲しいことがあっても 苦しくたって結局
最後にはたどりつく 目指してた場所へと

また少し 強くなるよ
予定どおりに いかない毎日でも
生きてるだけで 君は宝物さ

また一歩 歩き出すよ

生きてることで すべてはOKさ!

また少し 強くなるよ
予定どおりに いかない毎日でも
生きてるだけで 君は宝物さ

在耀眼的 艷陽下通往明天的道路

這一路走來的 歲月

繞遠路也沒關係 要抄近路也可以
最後不要緊 一定可以看見重要的東西

又踏出了 另一步
只要能好好活著 一切都OK!

在藍得過火的 天空與大海裡

在逝去的 歲月

即使曾經有過悲傷 即使曾經有過痛苦
最後還是會抵達 目標所在的場所

又變得 更堅強了一些
只要能好好活著 你就是我的寶物

只要能好好活著 一切都OK!

又變得 更堅強了一些
只要能好好活著 你就是我的寶物

Everything sang at EXILE's concert:

Long Road

Whenever I am lost and unable to sort out my thoughts, I will listen to w-inds "Long Road." This song gives me determination. I have to overcome the hurdles as what is mentioned in the song, I have to complete the journey alone. As I have nothing, I shall not be afraid of losing and just charge ahead.

The lyrics in Japanese and translation in Chinese is below:

Long Road

歌: w-inds
作詩: Shungo
作曲 : 松本良喜

夢がたやすく言えた頃 地図も時計も逆さに見てた
君を見つめて 抱きしめて
だけど 本当は自分捜してた

行き先告げる雲が 風にちぎれて 別れてく
あの日君に サヨナラさえ言えず
そして 見失った夢も

失くす物さえ 何も無いから
歩いていける もう振り向かないで
いつもの道も 眠れぬ夜も

oh my own Road

愛の何かを 知るたびに
みんな少しずつ 臆病になる
だけど 一人の寂しさは
涙見せない 強さじゃ 癒せない

今日も僕には 眩しいけど
目をこらせば 夢が見えてるから
踏み出す 遙かな道へ

どんな涙も 意味があるなら
出会いのように 別れ受け止めたい
失くした君も まだ見ぬ人も
未来のどこかで 行き交っていく

oh my own Road

yo yo come'on hear we go hear we go
君のLong Road めくるめくる時の流れ
さぁ 目を覚ませ 寂しさ悲しさ 振り払って
この光る 大空に向かって 未知へ それぞれの道へ
十人十色千差万別 自分を信じ 夢叶え

回り道でも 迷ってもいい そこにだけ咲く花を見つけるから
旅立ちは そう いつも孤独さ
雨なら打たれて 風に吹かれ さぁ 行こう

失くす物など 何も無いから
歩いていける もう 振り向かないで
いつもの道も 眠れぬ夜も
全てが 明日へと 繋がっていく

oh my own Road

當夢想輕易地脫口而出時 地圖和時鐘看起來都是相反的

凝視著妳 擁抱著妳 …
但其實是 為了找尋”自已”

不說出目的地的雲 被風吹散 飄散而去
那天連「再見」都沒有對妳說 還有那些錯過的…夢想

向前走 不要再回頭
平常的回家路也好 失眠的夜晚也好

on My Own Road

越瞭解愛 大家就會變的更膽怯
但是一個人的孤獨 只靠強忍淚水是無法治癒的

抬頭仰望湛藍的天空 雖然今天對我來說還是很耀眼
用心去看的話 一定可以看到夢想
邁開腳步 朝向那遙遠的道路吧

已經失去的妳 還有尚未謀面的人

on My Own Road

yo yo come'on hear we go
每天過的如何? 妳的own Road 在流逝的時光 之中
快! 醒過來吧 把寂寞和悲傷都甩開
前往未知的 各自的道路
人各有志 各有不同 相信自己 夢想就會實現

即使是繞遠路或迷路都沒關係 一定可以找到只在那裡綻放的花朵
旅途總是孤獨的 任憑雨打風吹

向前走 不要再回頭
平常的回家路也好 失眠的夜晚也好

on My Own Road

Long Road PV:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


In Love

Yes, I bought CDs again. This time is 加藤和樹 albums.

I knew about 和樹くん from JUNON about 2 years back. Only know that he took part in JUNON boys and he has singles. From the look of his single cover, I can kind of sense that his songs are a bit rock.

I watched his drama ホタルノヒカリ recently. I’m not fascinated by his looks or acting but has the sudden interest in how he sings. To my surprise, his singing is quite good and songs are rather nice, though some are rather “noisy.” Thus, I bought 3 of his albums at one go.

His songs are not bad. The ones I like most are “Faith” and “ユメヒコウキ.”

和樹くん is having a concert tour now and his finale concert is at 武道館 on 28 April. I will consider buying his 2008 concert dvd if it is on sale.

和樹くん updates his blog quite frequently and I kind of enjoy reading it. He said in an interview before that he prefers to keep things to himself rather than sharing with others. Thus I am surprised that he does write quite a lot of his own feelings in his blog.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

ドルフィンブルー ~フジもういちど宙へ~

松山ケイチ and フジ
I am glad that I bought the DVD. The lead for this movie is 松山ケイチ(acted as the vet 植田さん) and フジ (the dolphin).

This movie is based on the real story of a dolphin (イルカ) called 「フジ」(Fuji) at 沖縄美ら海水族館. フジ lost her tail due to unidentified illness in 2002 and she was not able to swim then. The vet and team members of 沖縄美ら海水族館 made her a 人工尾. フジ is now able to swim and she is the first dolphin in the world to have 人工尾.

I am touched by フジ will to survive and the team’s effort. 私は動物は一生懸命生きるのことを尊敬します。人と比べて動物はもっと強いと思います。

I have plans to go沖縄美ら海水族館. 沖縄美ら海水族館 is the biggest aquarium in the world. I would really love to go there and see how beautiful the place is...and to meet フジ too.

Monday, March 10, 2008


ピーちゃん passed away last Saturday, 8 March, morning.

Su said ピーちゃん took his last meal and walked around in the house before he passed away. Probably ピーちゃん knew that it's time for him to go...

I am sad to hear this news. I met ピーちゃん in Nov 1998 (probably in Sep 1997 when I stopped by at Su's house), when I stayed at Su's parents' house. ピーちゃん and I used to play when I was there. ピーちゃん was so healthy then.

The next time I saw ピーちゃん was on 1 January 2005. ピーちゃん has aged and I think ピーちゃん still recognised me.

When I last met ピーちゃん during my last December stay, ピーちゃん was suffering from Alzheimer's disease (老人癡呆症). ピーちゃん could not see and listen clearly. ピーちゃん just walked in circles at the living room. Su's parents have to bring ピーちゃん out for toliet breaks. I felt so sad to see that ピーちゃん lost so much weight and was so sick. Perhaps it was good that ピーちゃん ended his sufferings.

ピーちゃん と会ってよがったです。ピーちゃん , may you rest in peace...

Monday, March 03, 2008

我最喜歡的一首粵語歌就是陳百強唱的”等.”每當我聽到這首歌,我就有點心酸和悲傷的感覺. 總覺得人生佷無奈...

等 (電影「聖誕快樂」插曲)
作曲:陳百強, 編曲:填詞:鄭國江

等 寂寞到夜深 夜已漸荒涼 夜已漸昏暗
莫道你在選擇人 人亦能選擇你 公平原沒半點偏心

苦澀 慢慢向著心裡滲 何必抱怨 曾令醉心是誰人
自願吻別心上人 糊塗換來一生淚印 何故明是痛苦傷心

還含著笑裝開心 今宵的你可憐還可憫
目睹她遠去 她的腳印心中會永印
糊塗是你的一顆心 他朝你將無窮的後悔 這一生你的心裡滿哀困


這是我第二首最喜歡的粵語歌. 歌詞佷有意思. 這首歌也提醒了我人是多麼的渺小,做人要闊達和知足.

作詞:許冠傑/黎彼得 作曲:許冠傑 編曲:鮑比達

難分真與假 人面多險詐 幾許有共享榮華 簷畔水滴不分差
無知井裡蛙 徙望添聲價 空得意目光如麻 誰料金屋變敗瓦

命裡有時終須有 命裡無時莫強求

雷聲風雨打 何用多驚怕 心公正白壁無瑕 行善積德最樂也
人比海裡沙 毋用多牽掛 君可見漫天落霞 名利息間似霧化