Soul with Masha

Thursday, July 31, 2008


My message in ROOKIES website

I watched ROOKIES 最終章 on Tuesday night. Yap, I was so touched and my tears kept flowing uncontrollable while watching it.

ドラマのキャラたち夢を進めること感動します。さらに男の友情と絆は凄いと思います。その子達は幸せと思います。This is the reason why I love ROOKIES so much.

I left a message in ROOKIES website after watching it and my message appeared on page 33 :


ROOKIESを見て本当にようかったです。最終回は感動しました。涙はボロボロを流しました。秋のスペシャルと来春の映画はお楽しみです。 from かみ 女性 2008.7.29(火) 23:32:07

The Tour of Misia Discotheque Asia

I am quite surprised that Misia is coming to Singapore as part of her Aisa Tour. There is not much publicity about her concert and I only got to know it through my Japanese colleague.

I am not a fan of Misia but I will attend the concert as this is a chance for me to listen to her live singing.

DATE - 13 Sep 2008 Sat, 8pm
VENUE - Singapore Expo Hall 1
TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)Standard - S$148, S$128, S$98, S$68

Unfortunately Misia's concert clashes with NUS Monster of Hip Hop. The tickets for 14 Sep are sold out. Which means I have to sacrifice going to Monster of Hip Hop for Misia's concert. ><

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

m.andonia bag

I was attracted to this m.andonia bag when I first saw 上地くん used it when he got filmed unexpectedly in a show.

I like the bag's size, color and design. Not because 上地くん has it. Well, maybe partly. Anyway, I tried to search for the bag but can't find it all all! I wrote to m. andonia's official email to ask about the bag and no reply. (><)

m.andonia originates from LA and has a boutique in Harajuku. I doubt the Harajuku boutique has this bag as it may be a old model.

上地くん said he has three designs of the same series (including this bag). Wonder what the other two designs are. He has the same taste as me, big bags are useful!

My son

I signed up for Child Sponsorship by World Vision about two months ago. I have wanted to sign up for child sponsorship years back but I never got it done due to some reasons. This idea rang my mind after I read 橘舞's blog.
I have this misconception that Child Sponsorship means all the money I donate will go to the child. This is absolutely wrong. The money receive from child sponsorship will be pooled into a fund and use by the community to improve their living. This is perhaps better as it benefits more people.

Anyway, I got a son through Child Sponsorship. My son is from Laos (upon my request as I want a child from Laos) and his name is BY (can't reveal the child's name due to legal issues). BY is 9 year old and staying in a village with his family.

I received BY's profile a few days after they made the first deduction from my credit card. Within the next 2 weeks, I received a letter from BY. I was so happy and surprised! BY asked his brother to write on his behalf and introduce about himself. I wrote back to BY and was surprised to receive another mail from him.

This time he sent me his progress report and a drawing of a chicken (his favorite animal) by him. Lao World Vision also sent me a write-up on the community that BY stayed.
So far I am quite satisfied with the actions taken by Laos World Vision. They do make sure that I am fully aware of BY's situation and their community project.
I hope one day I can meet BY in Laos. I really want to go to Laos. If my financial permits, I would want to sponsor another child too.

Thursday, July 24, 2008



I read ROOKIES クランクアップ (crank+up, 映画で、撮影を完了すること) report and my tears rolled in my eyes. 感動します!The cast and staff cried during the クランクアップ.
Filming in the studio took 15 days and ロケ(out of studio) took 97 days. The cast and staff spent 112 days in total. They have become 仲間 and this can be shown from the chemistry they have when I watched the drama. So I can understand why they cried during the クランクアップ.

最終回 is showing this Saturday and is a 2 hour Special! Yeah!!!

Few of the cast will be appearing in Yahoo Live Talk this Saturday but too bad I can't watch.

Cast said Episode 10 is very touching. Hmm, I am watching it tonight.

Oh gosh, I think I will cry like mad when watching the last episode. I have never love a drama like ROOKIES. I think ROOKIES is my favourite Japanese drama so far. None of the cast are really my actors but I really love ROOKIES cast. Even 上地さん who only acted as guest star in the drama.


I dreamt of Keita the day before. We conversed in Japanese and talked about gym! ヾ(◎▽◎)

Strange... I don't think of Keita yet dreamt of him

Monday, July 21, 2008


I attended Wynners 33rd year anniversary concert at Indoor last Saturday. If I remember correctly, the last time they came for concert was in 1988. Wow! 20 years ago!!!

I sat at the balcony, so it was far from stage. Anyway, my friends and I enjoyed the concert even though we were seated far. There were 8 of us - Ros, SP, SP & Sis, Fen, Joan & her husband and me.

Wynners sang alot of old songs like "Sha La La La La," "不可以逃避,"陪著她," "L-O-V-E, Love." Those songs really bring back old memories... It's a pity that they sang "追趕跑跳碰" in Chinese. I would prefer them to sing in Cantonese.

It's the first time I heard 阿B sang "讓一切隨風" and "只要你過得比我好" live. He can really sing well. When he sang "只要你過得比我好," Three faces came to my mind... (^^)

When Wynners sang the last song "千載不變," SP and I put our hands on each other's shoulder at the same time. I put mine on Ros's shoulder. I was touched and shed tears when I sang the song with Wynners. SP, Ros and I have known each other for 15 years (with a few other friends). I would want us to be friends long long time like Wynners.

曲︰鍾鎮濤/譚詠麟 詞︰盧永強 編︰盧東尼  

常埋怨 人情冷暖太甚
面常換 為著要適應別人
茫茫風雨天 路途未免孤獨

誰無變 尤其過去幼嫩
轉變中 誓下了幾個諾言

原來世界怎麼變 友好的心不損
潮流混亂也不亂 大家始終勸勉
原來你我不相見 傳來問候更暖
心中至真至誠 綿綿千載此心不變

彼此有真友情 綿綿千載此心不變

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I am now chatting with Mindy on msn and just realised her message about 二十歳。Mindy's birthday is TODAY!

Happy Birthday!!!
May you have good health, stay cool and happy always!!!

Have a great はたち!

EXILE 追加公演

やったぁ!I managed to get EXILE 追加公演 at Tokyo Dome on 26 Dec. Just read the email from Mami and now feeling so so happy that I got the tickets! Finally!!!

I missed the balloting for the last round of tickets. Luckily I managed to get the tickets this time round. I even called up Mami during the day when she did not respond to my email on the balloting for 追加公演 .

EXILE 追加公演 are as follows:

11月29日   福岡Yahoo! JAPANドーム   16~18時
12月5日    京セラドーム大阪    17~19時
12月26日   東京ドーム       17~19時

Even though I may sound greedy, I wish that my seats will be good. Dome is so big, so it is really hard to see them. Anyway, being able to be present at their concert is really a blessing!


I have been reading 上地雄輔ブログ daily and really enjoyed reading it.

上地くん has been awarded the top blogger of the world by Guiness World Records in April this year. He has 24万+ readers within one day. The comments he received per entry are tremendous.

I left my first comment (page number runs due to the high number of comments received. As at now is page 42) to him yesterday though I am not sure if he really reads through all the comments. I am rather happy that my comment got published. Sometimes the web master will not published certain comments in blog or BBS. Perhaps for 上地くん blog, there is no webmaster as there are too many comments.

This is my comment:

■From Singapore




lone 2008-07-16 00:35:10 [コメント記入欄を表示]

Monday, July 14, 2008


w-inds announced on last Saturday's concert that there will be a 追加公演 on 23 September at 代々木第一体育館.

I was a bit excited at first.Then when I started to count the number of days from 23 Sep to 4 Oct, date of release of 「ガリレオ」 movie, I realised that it is impossible for me to go for this concert. If it has been nearer to 4 Oct, I will go...


Yes, I just got accepted by University of Hawaii for the exchange. Lalala... (^.^)y

So Hawaii, here I come in next February!!!


I went for swimming yesterday morning as I want to suntan. I can't stand myself looking fair and like tan color.

The last time I swam was about one year plus ago. Did some warm up before I went into the pool. Yayaya, it was fun swimming. I found my 氣不夠, even though I have been exercising quite frequently.

Guess what, my swimming costume got a bit lose because I have not used it for a long time. I need to buy a new swimming costume and a pair of goggles.

Need to suntan again...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Seventh Avenue

Recently I have been listening to w-inds new album - Seventh Avenue, which was released on 2 July. This is their seventh album.

As compard to their last album, Journey, I prefer this album. The tracks in this album are catchy and it really makes me want to dance. There are only about 2 sentimental songs in this album. Although there are 15 songs in this album, I doubt w-inds will sing all the song in this year's concerts. They must have sing some old songs as well as the fans may not be familarized with the new songs within such a short period.

Today is the start of w-inds' first summer concert at パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホール. Noriko attended today's concert. I am sure she would have enjoyed it. I guess this year's concert will be good as well. There must be alot of dancing.

Frankly speaking, I don't feel sad not able to go for their concerts this year. I know very well that I have to save money and my priorty for this year. Just hope that I can go for w-inds concerts again.. probably next year.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Inconsiderate encounter again

Last night while I was trying to sleep around 11.45pm, one lady from my block talked so loudly in Chinese. She was chatting away happily, probably on the phone.

She really pissed me off and I shouted out of the window "安静啦!几点了?讲话还那麽大声!" My voice was so loud and I can hear the echo in the silent night. I think the whole block can hear me, though I stayed at 20th storey.

There was no sound after I shouted. It's quite obvious that she knew that I am talking about her.

Really can't stand such inconsiderate people!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I overslept today. Forgot to set my alarm clock and mum woke me up around 7.15am and asked me if I am on leave today.

I quickly took shower, wash clothes, took breakfast, change clothes and make up. Same routine as in normal working days.

Guess what? I left home about same time as usual (around 8am) and took about the same time bus. Reached office 5 minutes earlier than usual, but still considered late (around 8.35am).

So, why do I need to wake up at 6.40am everyday then???

Btw, the reason of me overslept was I slept at 00:30am. Reason- er, I began surfing web at 10pm. Then started to watch try means to register for Masha China fans BBS (they changed the URL link) and the variety show BBS to download shows. Then started watching 上地くん videos online...

I am so sleepy since morning. Tonight I have to go for Jazz and Booty dance. As long as I am in dance class, I will forget my sleepiness and feel 元気.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Inconsiderate auntie

I met an inconsiderate auntie at gym yesterday. Well, she is not really auntie type. Can see that she dresses quite modern and not that auntie pattern. But she has a certain age.

I have seen her for a couple of times. She is one of the regular of JD's Sunday pump class. Never did I know that she is so inconsiderate.

She came for the body combat class and stood in front of me. Ok, it's common. But she stood so near to me even though there is space in front. During the kicks and jinga, she simply moved herself back, and knocked to me. Furthermore, she simply kicked without checking the people around her. I was fed up and purposely hit her during jinga. Hack care. I got to move back a bit because of her. Yet there are other people behind me. She moved to front a bit. But yet, no progress and she did the same again. Argghhh...

During the push up, she simply lie on the floor, and not moving to the front where there is no one around! I can't shift back because there are people behind me. Hack care again. I placed the mat and lie on the floor. I know my legs are almost touching her hair. In the end, I stepped on her hair during the crunches and she brushed my leg and make an annoying expression. I don't even bother to say sorry. Why should I? If she has been more considerate, this would not have happened.

First time I have such an unpleasant experience at gym. Sickening.

Combat guy

There's this guy who always attend KC's Sunday bodycombat class. He always stand near one of the exit, near to where I stand. I began to notice him since past weeks. Nope, I am not attracted by him. He is too short, has a funky hair and with a beard. Not my type at all.

It's his passion and enthusiasm in body combat that attracts me. Every time I can see his smiles when he does combat. I can see how much he likes and enjoy when doing combat. Mr Combat Guy likes to shout too when he does combat. It kind of created some atmosphere for the class (of course there are others who shouted too).

I don't like KC's class. His teaching is too boring for me. But because of Mr Combat Guy, I tend to stay back after pump and do combat. I begin to enjoy KC's combat class whenever I see Mr Combat Guy's smiles. He makes me feel motivated to do KC's combat class. (^_^)

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Last Night

I went for hip hop class last evening. I took a one and half week break, worried that I cannot catch up. Yi Fan replaced Pat for the class. I have not seen Yi Fan for a few months. He went to LA with his wife in June and took dance classes. Wow! Envy, envy. Yi Fan is now working from home as a freelance and at the same time also teach dance. He still has the passion in dance, it's really good to have such people around.

I would not say I really like Yi Fan's dancing style, but I don't dislike either. His dancing skills are good, but because of his size and height, he has to work harder to gain the attraction. I like his class though as he is very patient and explain clearly.

When I was on my way home on the bus, I saw a charming guy at the moment he board the bus. He looks like a mixed or ABC, with very black eyebrow. He wore a red tank top, navy blue burmudas, slipper and hold a haversack. There was a girl beside him. They just stood in the standing area, and it is right in front of me. Hehe. From the way they talked, I can conclude that they are not couple and he is a tourist. Anyway, why do I find him charming? He don't style his hair, but he has black hair and it look healthy. He has big round eyes and his smile is charming. His biceps are nice and he has a tanned skin tone. It struck me that even though a guy wears simple, without any style on his hair, he can still be charming. This guy simply looks like sunshine boy. That's why I find him charming.

When I reached the lift lobby, I saw broken pieces of lamp on the ground. One man (around 40s) who just came back from work, also saw the scene. He put down his bag and laptop aside, and started picking up the bigger pieces of the broken lamp and threw to the bin. I was abit surprised that there is such considerate person staying same block as me.

Interesting night....

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


真矢さん announced today that she has married! Her husband is a dancer, quite good looking, and younger than her by 8 years old! Wow!
真矢さん was from 宝塚歌劇団(たからづかかげきだん) and turned to acting dramas/movies. I like her voice and find that she is charming, femine and sexy. I enjoyed watching her dramas, though she always act in small roles.
Actresses in 宝塚歌劇団 are not allowed to have boyfriend and cannot get married. Even some actresses have graduated from the troupe, they may not have the chance to engage in relationship. Yet, there are many girls fighting to go into this troupe every year.
Anyway, I am happy for 真矢さん. 真矢さん is really brave in the sense that she picked a guy much younger than her.
Photo of 真矢さん husband can be seen from here.