
This is my favorite book!
上地くん wrote about his life from kindergarden till now in this book. He produced this book on his own, from writing, design of the book, chosing the location for photos shots, selecting & arranging photos, drawing illustrations, arranging the essays etc. He has put in a lot of effort in this book. In fact, he does not know how to use computer. So he either handwritten or use his mobile phone to type the words.
I wouldn't say his writing (or words he used) is fantastic, but it's his sincerity that touches me. When I read it, I felt as if he is just right beside me telling his story. There were a few chapters where I cried while reading it. 信じられない! I have never cried while reading a book, except for slam dunk comic. As he has mentioned, he wishes to express 感謝の気持ち in this book. He really did it.
I read each of his sentences carefully to ensure that I fully understand what he wrote. In fact, I enjoyed reading every sentences. Some of his thinkings also made me ponder... When I finished reading the book (it only took me a few nights of about an hour each), I hugged the book and said 「上地くん、ありがとう!」 It sounds stupid/crazy for me to do so, but I really did it naturally.
People kept saying 上地くん is おバカ (stupid). I totally disagree. Below is his interview extracted from JUNON May 2008 issue. He talked about his views of people calling him おバカ and what he said made me feel that he is really a natural person.
(若是這樣, 那有這種想法有甚麼不好. 對嗎?)