Soul with Masha

Monday, August 25, 2008


The list of CD which I bought these 2 months:

1) アラジン - 陽は、また昇る

- Unique Group formed by 羞恥心 and Pabo. It ranked the oricon chart number 2 once it was released. This song is a 応援song for日本サラリーマン(salary men). I am really impressed by the Japanese as they can write such songs to encourage people. Overall, it’s a song that makes me feel 元気!

2) EXILE - EXILE Entertainment Best
- Second collection for this year. The song that really attracted me most is 「真夏の果実」. Yap, Atsushi and Takahiro did a cover version of 桑田圭祐さん. I was quite surprised they did this cover song. Anyway, I really like both Atushi and Takahiro’s singing. Their voices blended so well.
- Another song I am kind of addicted to is 「Super Shine」. It’s a dance track!
- The bonus of this CD is that it comes with「エグザムライ本編-六本木地獄城の章-」. I am so impressed by エグザムライ. Although the story is quite predictable, but the way the animation is being presented, and thinking how marvelous Hiro is to come up with this production, I can only say EXILE is fabulous!

3) 絢香 - Sing To The Sky

- I finally got to buy Ayaka’s Taiwan version CD. I was not very keen on Ayaka’s album, but because I like 「おかえり」(theme song for 「絶対彼氏」), I bought this album. Surprising, I like this album. Ayaka is talented and her music suits my taste. There is still a sense of pureness in her music and she don’t sound very commercialized.

4) 安室奈美恵 - Best Fiction
- Queen of Hip Hop best collection for these few years. Of course I must buy! 安室 is getting very good and her own style and sense of identity is very strong nowadays. I am really glad that she managed to gain her popularity again. One of my wish list, to go for 安室 concert someday!

5) 青山テルマ - Diary

- I finally got this after its Taiwan version released in Taiwan since January! See, how slow Singapore is! Hmm, I can’t recall the songs in this album. Bad… maybe there is none of the song that gives me a deep impact. But, I still like テルマ voice.


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