Soul with Masha

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Booty dance

I completed my 8 weeks Booty dance course yesterday night.

We learnt 15 eights in total, for Mariah Carey's song I'm That Chick. Yes, very slow for a 8 weeks course. My class is very slow.

I enjoyed Clare's teaching but I really hate some of the classmates. They are youngsters who like to joke, laugh, and say nonsense during classes. I can understand that they have problems in learning because they don't have background in dance. But I cannot understand why they can't pay attention in class and concentrate on learning since they don't know. If they don't know, they might as well shut up and learn. When Clare taught them, they will say things like "It's difficult. I can't do it. Blah blah blah." They show disrespect to Clare as well as dance. This is what I can't stand. I can't forgive people who disrespect dance.

Last night, some kept grumbling that the cheoro is difficult. We only learnt 2 eights. Oh gosh. I want to sleep! Some even refused to dance when Clare asked them to dance. Hey, come on, it's the last class, just go for it! Sabrina (another gal) and me took turns helped them out by dancing with them. They should be thankful that they can still copy us. I even volunteered when Sabrina can't take it(it's quite tiring).

Time wasted when Clare had to talk to them to ask them to dance. I was pissed off and said "Since you paid for it, just go for it!" I think Clare vommited blood when she talked to them.

Anyway, Clare has a new course next week. I won't be continuing as the class is too slow. Clare suggested that I joined the Intermediate Girls Hip Hop which will start 2 weeks later when I told her I want to try it out. The current course is intro and she said the class is slow for me.

So I shall rest for 2 weeks. Hmm, not really as I want to start Advance Hip Hop again on Tuesday. Wednesday to go for Pump after Jazz. (^^)


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