Soul with Masha

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Notice- Change of Blog

This is my new blog:

I won't be updating in this blog anymore...

Time to change a new one ^_^

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hip Hop Recital Practice

It was a hard practice yesterday. Although we learnt 5 eights, there were many 'and' counts.. thus in fact we learnt 5 eights x 2.

Pat said in the beginning of the class that he has lots to teach and asked us to focus and don't give up. In the almost 2 hours class, we only rested in a total of less than 5 minutes.

Frankly speaking, I cannot remember how many times we have done the same choreo over and over again. We learnt the new steps in separate sets, and subsequently, started with the beginning of the song, which means the choreo we learnt last week.

Almost till the end of the class, Pat asked us to take some water again, and continue. We all sat down.. and I can see each of us looked pale... really pale. Panting and gasping for water. My hair was totally wet...I cannot imagine it. It was the first time.. as if I just came out from shower.

The last round was kind of demo to the other class (who are also learning dance for their company D&D), which we didn't even know it was a demo as Pat just asked us to go to the next studio. I stood in front and really, I can't recalled what I did. I remembered I started dancing, and the rest of it.. totally can't remember. All I know is that I danced out most of the choreo, and I just whacked.

At the end of the class, Pat explained to us.. if he has not pushed us, we would not have learnt so much yesterday.. even though we may not master it, but we knew the steps.. He explained to us his concept for the dance.. and told us we must attend next week's class. There will be a practice on 8 Dec, 11am - 2pm, though it is a holiday.

Some of us just sat at the reception, as we were too tired to get up... I recapped the choreo with Eileen. She was really tired. I am glad that I still have the stamina. But I was tired too.. Eileen said at the end of it, she felt like vomitting. I can now understand what Pat said to me previously. When I asked him, how could his NTU students remembered all the choreo for few songs at the dance concert. He said they danced till they vomit. This is the first time I have such an experience in learning and practising for a hip hop recital. Mine is only 2 hours... artists like w-inds have to practice 8 hours... and it really requires a lot of energy and determination. Normally almost till the end, I get tired that my mind can't focus anymore. Pat know all of us are like that... in fact, he asked for a short break and asked us to go out of the room to get some air.

The Beginner Hip Hop class dancemates started their practice after ours. It was already past 10pm... All of us are trying our best for the recital. I am touched about this. We are not paid for performing in the recital.. but it's the satisfaction that we want, to showcase what we have learnt (I guess most of us feel the same). Most importantly, I think most of us want to challenge ourselves and see how far we can go.

Yes, I am stressed. Claire said "Don't worry, you can make it." Pat
asked if I am afraid of hardwork? And said most people will deny that they are afraid of hardwork. He said "some people take this much to reach that much, while some take more to reach that little bit. So be it." He said some people just tried and at a certain point of them, they will find the breaking point. From there, they will improve.

When I told him I am stressed, he said "It's because you don't know the steps well." That really strikes me!!! Yes, I am stressed coz I don't know the steps well and I can't catch some of the timing.. So as Pat said, must practice at home!

As Pat said, stress at office and stress at dance is different, coz use different side of the brain. But if just stress at office, give up dance, then life is boring.

Yes, that's exactly what I think...

It's probably the lack of confidence that has been hindering me... I will put in hardwork, and challenge myself to see how far I can go.

Come to think of it, the conversation with Pat last night, was somehow encouraging. He's not the sort of person who will give sweet talks. But he gives sound advice, as he has been through a hard time in his dancing career.

Pat, thanks eh.

What's happening???

What's happening to this world???

Terrorist attacks, natural disasters, young generation being selfish etc... this world is no longer a happy and safe place to live in.

Sometimes I wonder if I am so unfortunate to witness the destruction of the world while I am still alive...

Be it my pessimistic character,
I would not want to bring a newborn life to live in this terrible world.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sick and sick

My flu worsen today at the office. My nose got completely blocked. Can't even breathe...(x_x;)

Worse still, I am so darn busy with my work.. emails, follow ups, work and work.. non-stop. I wonder where do I get the energy to hang on... anyway, I decided to see the doctor again in the afternoon and take MC for tomorrow. I can't go on like this... staying in air con room makes me feel more sick. So I told my boss, I will see the doctor and get MC tomorrow.

Luckily I managed to get a MC from the doctor. I tried to rush my work and by the time I knew it, it was almost 6.20pm and yes, I am going to be late for my Exotic Dance class...

I am glad I reached the class on time... and yes, I kept coughing and having nose block. My performance today was not as good as last week. Mostly also because the last class was about one and half week ago and didn't practice...Got to put in more effort next week...

Tomorrow... need to rest well, and go for hip hip recital practice! Yeah!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I hate emails!!!

I was away for one day and I got a shock when I opened my office mailbox.

There were a total of 80+ unread mails!!!! (x_x)

As I kept clearing the emails, new emails poured in again. Imagine I spent almost three quarter of the day just to clear emails and take actions on those emails.

I hate office emails!!!


I caught a cold at work today... m(_ _;)m

I think the aircon was too strong... or maybe because it is a central aircon, so it contains all the germs and virus... nah, I think I am sick, so my body is weak..

So the whole day I was sneezing and my eyes got red... and I am tired

Need to rest early tonight...

I am glad Mami told me she helped me to buy Masha's 31 Dec ticket. It's SB seat again, well... the price is at least not so expensive as the normal seats. It's a blessing that I can cross the New Year with Masha... so, no complaints.

Got to zzzzzz...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The list of singers for 紅白 this year has been released officially.

羞恥心 with Pabo 初登場です!!!


Yes, I have expected them to be in the list this year...

Hmm, w-inds is not in the list... Maybe because there are too many artists in the guys' section who attend 紅白 for the first time. But this also means w-inds' popularity maybe at risk...

Mr Children
初登場?!! I am quite surprised... EXILE.. probably they will broadcast live from Sapporo? Or maybe it is pre-recorded as EXILE has Sapporo countdown concert.

Don't think I will be watching
紅白 live, anyway, 羞恥心 with Pabo 頑張ってね!


I am sick.... down with cough, sore throat, slight fever and a bit of cold. I reached home around 11am from office after seeing doctor. Guess what? I slept almost the whole day! Not deep sleep but feel sleepy after the medication. It has been a long time ever since I slept one whole day.

Maybe I don't have enough rest? Or maybe I stress myself too much...

But in a way, I am glad that I am sick today rather than next week, where my office has conference and I am going to be super busy for these few weeks.

Tied up with work, and mentally stress because of the dance recital. I don't feel excited about my Japan trip yet... Probably after I get hold of Masha's 31 Dec ticket, then I will feel a slight excitement.

As for now, my mind is occupied with other things that I don't feel anything about the trip at all...

Monday, November 24, 2008







オイラもそーです。 (TーT)
けど。 あなたが思ってるよりあなたは弱くないから。 ヾ(^-^) 」


ましゃの歌「Higher Stage」の歌詞も思いました。
恋焦がれた 灼熱のステージよ


遠くへ もっと遠くへ跳べ




待ち焦がれた 情熱のゴールへと




Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hip hop recital practice

I attended the recital practice few hours ago.

We practiced from 8.20pm to 10pm. It's tiring towards the end... We have to remember the choreo within such a short time. I can't remember how many eights we did. Definitely more than 6 eights, and we are not even to the half of the song!

I did not do any warm up before the practice. Yes, I know it's bad! Pat just started the class without warm up...
( ̄ー ̄;

Of course, my knees and legs felt strained after the class...

Pat asked me if I want to join the recital... I can't give him an answer on the spot because I am worried my injury will relapse. But as Pat said, it's probably once in a life time chance.. He asked me to give him a reply next week.

Frankly speaking, I don't have the confidence in doing this recital. We only have 3 weeks left to the recital. Practice is done only once a week, and there are many more choreo we have to learn. Come to think of it, I think I am just trying to give excuses and escape from it and try not to make myself a fool at the recital. I am angry with myself!

I will tell Pat next week... "ON!!!"


福山☆冬の大感謝祭 其の九

I like this year's 大感謝祭 title. It is simple and humorous. It means:

Huh! Do it again?
From the back from the front, and from the side
It's Masha's festival Washoi Washoi

Washoi Washoi is a word that Japanese use when they try to bring some energy during any festival. I wonder whether the fans will say this during the concert?

I am definitely looking forward to the wave that we always do during his concert.


Thanks to Mami, I have secured a Stage Back (SB) seat for Masha's 30 Dec concert! Mami is not going for the concert but she helped me to ballot for this concert. I am so sorry that I didn't get 31 Dec concert tickets for her. This means she's not going to Tokyo.. and it also means we won't be meeting this year. m(_ _)m

And thanks to Lozé, I will be able to watch Masha's concert on 28 Dec! Yes, it's SB seat as well.

Yes, I am so so lucky!!!

SB seat means the seats are behind the stage. Which means I can only see Masha's back. But it's alright, as long as I can watch Masha's concert. It's alright!

Masha said in ANA that SB is Sexy Back!!! So he said, if he point at us, who are sitting at SB seat, and say "Sexy Back", we have to say "Yeah!"

I am so happy to be part of Sexy Back!!!

Now the thing I need to do is to get 31 Dec ticket!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

(T ーT)

My last hope from BROS is gone....

I can't get the SB seats from BROS for Masha's 31 Dec concert...

Bad mood... don't want to talk or do anything

Tuesday, November 18, 2008





Heels for Exotic Dance

We tried wearing heels for the Exotic Dance last night. It was difficult, but not that bad as I thought. We managed to learn remaining new choreo for the performance. I am still not sure of the new steps and catching the music. Need to practice more.

As usual, I have blue blacks all over my knees. This time is worse than last week. Especially there is difficult new steps.
m(_ _;)m

No kidding, the new steps are... 高難度. Σ( ̄~ ̄)

Then early morning, Mei gave me a heart attack! She can't join us for the rehearsal and the performance as her in-laws are in town. So, left the three of us again. (=_=;)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Strange hobby

I have this strange hobby of liking an artist and the whole craze will die down after a short while.

Let me recall who are the ones...山下智久(2003)、玉木宏(2004)、玉山鉄二(2004)、Atsushi (EXILE),
劇団ひとり、水嶋ヒロ、溝端淳平 etc (can't recall the whole list)...During the craze period, I will check all the information regarding the person. So even though I have no feeling towards the artists now, I still read his news if I happen to see it.

Sometimes,I will also suddenly have interest towards an artist and will want to find out more about him, even though I have no special feeling toward him. Like 速水もこみち、小池徹平、田中聖 etc.

So sometimes my friends are surprised why I know so much about certain artists even though I am not their fans. Well, that's because I did some research on them.

My craze for w-inds is the longest. It started in 2004 and somehow in this year, the craze kind of die off. It's not that I don't like them anymore, but I would not purposely look for their news. Maybe I got kind of tired after watching 5 of their concerts last year. But still, I like their dance and songs. I always think that 龍一 is 凄い coz he is ranked number 2 after Masha in my ranking list and is the first to be ranked second.

My craze now is 羞恥心 and I don't know how long it will last. 上地くん has somehow taken over 龍一's rank. Maybe young age is not suitable for me?
m(_ _;)m

My ranking list only has 2 persons. I can't accomodate more than 2. Don't know why. Needless to say, Masha is the number 1 in my list, and he has become part of my life.

上地くん?No fight with Masha. ごめんね、雄ちゃん!

A happier me

I am with this current department since 1 Nov 2005 and it has came to 3 years. As compared to my earlier department, this department is more peaceful. I don't have to face heart attacks from the Management.

Well, although I like the previous job scope, I have not regretted leaving the previous place. Of course, it was easier to gain recognition (in terms of monetary) at the previous place, but I would not want to continue living with that kind of unnecessary stress.

When Perina asked me won't I want to aim higher in my career, my reply was "No." If I would have wanted to do that, I would have done it earlier, not now. My ex-colleague also asked me to leave this company. Now she has a higher pay and position. But lots of OT that she only has time to spend with her kid on weekend.

Even though my job is not that enjoyable, I wouldn't say I dislike it. So to me, this job is just for me to earn money to survive. I don't have passion anymore in my job anymore. I have learnt from past experience that no matter how much effort you put in, a job is just a job. The Management and company may not appreciate what you do. Like I always tell my friends, whey slog so much for the company. Even if you get sick or die, do you think the company will be sad? Nope, not at all.

I would say I am more happier now. I have found my passion in my private life, and I am living happily everyday. No promotion, no money... well, no choice. It's better to stay happy rather than get stressful and insomnia. ヾ(^ー^)ノ

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hip Hop Recital

Eileen sms me that Pat started the practice for recital last night. Pat taught about 5 or 6 eights and said he will have extra lessons for the practice. Hmm, there were only 4 students yesterday, so probably he will teach again next week?

I would love to take part in this recital. But... I am worried that I can't cope and my injury will relapse. Of course I can't let this affect Exotic Dance recital as well...

I hate myself for being lack of confidence!

Bodypump - back in action!!!

Yeah! I am back to action for body pump. Used the same weights as before and yap, I can managed it. I felt a little discomfort doing the squats. Probably my injury is not fully recovered yet.

While doing biceps, I increased my weights from 5kg to 7kg during the break. Like Toni said, to challenge myself. It's hard, but yes, it's a good challenge.

I attended Angeline's body balance class after pump. I like Angeline's class. She's cheerful and gives detailed explanation. Most important, she can motivates me.

I'm still thinking whether to go for JD's pump tomorrow morning. Haven't attended his class for few weeks. Miss him. Haha. But I have a facial appointment at 11am. Hmm... change facial appointment and go for JD's class. Yeah!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Inborn ability

When "Today" interviewed Wade Robson on what he will be looking out for when he judge the Danz War, this is what he said:

"For me, it's that thing that separate a dancer from just another performer. It's somebody who knows how to tell a story with their movements, who kind of reels you in - you just can't take your eyes off of them.

You could have two dancers next to each other with the same technical ability, but for some reason, there's one of them that you're just really drawn to."

Yes, I completely agree on that. I always think that a good dancer needs to have a kind of inborn ability that will attract people. It can be the groove, and how the dancer can bring out the his own charisma even by following the cheoro that is set by others.

Just like Ryuichi and Ryohei. Ryohei's skill is better than Ryuichi. But Ryuichi has his own style and charisma that will attract people, at least me. Ryohei is an introvert person, and in a way this is shown in his dance. So I always believe that I can tell if a dancer is an introvert or extrovert by looking at his dancing.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I met a very rude customer today. This fellow is a guy, in his early 20s and probably a pampered child. He approached my staff to ask for some stuff. As my staff has to check out the matter, she took abit of time to call some other people for information. Then this shit (yes, he's a shit) asked my staff why is she so slow and wasted his 10 minutes. My staff could not handle him and asked me to speak to him.

Upon checking with this shit on what he wanted, I explained to him on the procedures. This shit got worked up, started shouting and screaming. He said to do away with the red tape and refused to cooperate. He was very rude and said very unpleasant stuff and made a hell of noise. He even said the f@#$!

Yes, I got worked up but I stayed cool and did not shout at him. I even asked him "Can you please be more polite?" He did not listen and kept accusing of our inability, not being professional (I wonder who is unprofessional???) and even said bad things about our company. He said I'm wasting his time. So I asked him "Aren't you taking my time? I am using my time to answer to your queries." But he refused to admit he is in the wrong.

Well, no use talking to this shit. Even I asked him to call the person-in-charge in the afternoon, he said he don't have the time. What the hell is this kind of attitude?

In the end, I told him the person-in-charge did not give any instructions, so he realised he is in the losing end and kept quiet. He even demanded a note from me on what the person-in-charge has claimed and asked for my name, designation etc.

My staff are all angry as they overheard his rudeness. Well, I am angry too, but I managed to keep my cool. No point arguing with this shit. Let him face the world with this bad attitude and die horribly. It's really a disgrace to behave in such a way. If he wants to disgrace himself, by all means, go ahead. All I wanted to say to this shit is: "你沒教養!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I have insomnia last night and I don't know why. I should be able to sleep soundly after foot reflexology...

I think I only slept about 2 hours.... so wake up, very sleepy. Because of this, my temper was not good and got worked up in the morning. Especially I saw the number of emails I have to reply... sucks!!!

I managed to sleep during lunch time, really deep sleep.. only for about 15minutes, but it is still quality sleep.

I am looking forward to 6pm... when I can knock off and go home.. Well, I guess I may still watch drama at home as my sleepiness is always gone when I am at home.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back in action

I am off today and yes, back in action!!!!

I went for Bodylicious (exercise to tone thighs, abdominal and butt) and Body Pump. I perspired when I did Bodylicious. Boy, I was so happy! It was so great to feel the perspiration when doing exercise. Then pump, of course I reduce the weights abit. On the world, enjoyable!

I went for a sumptous lunch and visited Rus at her new workplace. Then went for foot reflexology. Wow, great! Well, Hiew told me my injury has not fully recovered. And... I got new injuries (blue blacks) from yesterday's Exotic Dance
m(_ _)m

The thing that suprised me today was that Orchard Road is full of Christmas lightings! Isn't it early this year? Anyway, I suddenly felt that it's kind of sad that I have lost the feeling of Christmas spirits here. It started few years ago, when I began to spend my Christmas in Japan. Maybe I am too busy and occupied with my trips, so Christmas here no longer means much to me...

Sunday, November 09, 2008


I was watching drama just now and realised that I have been drinking coffee everyday!

It has become my habit???

In the past I prefer tea than coffee, but now I prefer coffee than tea. Since last year, I don't put in sugar when I drink coffee or tea as I want to taste the original coffee or tea taste. I only put in slight milk. Don't even ask me to put in sugar now as the coffee or tea will be too sweet.

Yap, I don't like sweet staff. But it's kind of contradicting as I like to eat cakes. Yes, cakes! Yummy!!! Best to have the cake goes with the coffee or tea. I will feel 幸せ when I eat the cake and drink the coffee or tea at a cafe, especially in Japan. Japan's cakes (western cakes, not Japanese traditional cakes) are really delicious!

Last Christmas

EXILE's latest single is their cover of Wham's song Last Christmas.

When I first heard that they are going to do a cover of Wham's Last Christmas, I was abit taken back. Last Christmas is my favorite Christmas song. Each year during Christmas period, I will listen to this song. I don't know why. But it's a song I must hear during Christmas.

I just heard EXILE's version. Well, it's not bad as Atsushi and Takahiro's singings are good and kind of sweet. The lyrics are sad too. However, I still prefer Wham's version.

Oda Yuji also did a cover version during his drama Last Christmas few back. But, his singing is really so so and I feel that he can't express the feeling.

Anyway, Wham's version is still the best. Christmas is coming soon, and yes, I am going to listen to this song again!

Last Christmas lyrics:
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby
Do you recognize me?
If it's been a year
It doesn't surprise me
"Happy Christmas"
I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "I love you"
I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now
I know you'd fool me again

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

oh oh baby

A crowded room
Friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you
And your soul of ice
My god I thought you were
Someone to rely on
I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover but you tore me apart
oh oh
Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special


A face on a lover with a fire in his heart ( Gave you my heart)
A man under cover but you tore me apart
Next year I'll give it to someone
I'll give it to someone special.
someone someone
I'll give it to someone,I'll give it to someone special
who'll give something in return
I'll give it to someone
hold my heart and watch it burn
I'll give me to someone,I'll give it to someone special
I've got you here to stay
I can love you for a day
I thought you were someone special
gave you my heart
I'll give it to someone,I'll give it to someone
last christmas i gave you my heart
you gave it away
I'll give it to someone,I'll give it to someone


My most favorite Japanese snack is Fran and I am really happy that EXILE is the spokesmen for Fran.

The CM and photo taken for Fran were great! It was a totally different image and feeling of Fran and it added the EXILE flavor in it.

This time they have a white and black concept for the CM. I especially like the white version for Fran Whipps. EXILE projected a different image in this version.

And yes, I am going to try out Fran whipps during my Japan trip!

Saturday, November 08, 2008


I am so angry!!! Just saw from Masha's China fans BBS and found that they PO Masha's message (dated 6 Nov) to BROS members. It was clearly stated that BROS members are not to PO this message in their blogs or discuss it in BBS.

You people are not qualified to call yourself as Masha's fan at all!

Friday, November 07, 2008


I'm bored!!! ヽ(*`Д´)ノ○

Today is my third day of rest day. I'm really very bored!!!!

I can't exercise and dance... at least till end of next week.
m(_ _)m

Arghh!!!! I stayed at home and just watched video, read blogs and blog. Even though the dramas are interesting, I don't feel happy watching the dramas. I feel like I am becoming a potato!

Maybe tomorrow I should go gym??? But I can't... if I go, my injury will worsen..

Endure, endure...
m(_ _;)m

I Like Fukuyama!

This was Beyonce's reply during her recent trip to Japan when she was asked 「気になる人はいますか?」 in one of the Japan variety programs.

Well, it all started out when Beyonce met Masha at Music Station. She stood beside Masha at the beginning of MS and I guess she was attracted to Masha.

At the end of MS, she even pat Masha's shoulder and said 'You guys are great.' when タモリ asked her how she felt about the program. Masha was really shocked and his eyes were so big then.

Masha even replied her "Ya." and showed his thumbs up. 村上 from Kanjani 8, who stood behind them saw Masha's reaction and kept laughing. Ya, Masha's reaction was funny.

Well, it's something good for Masha that he has gained the recognition of a international star. He even talked about Beyonce in last week's ANA.


坂本龍馬像~ 高知県の桂浜

It has been officially announced that Masha will play the role of 坂本龍馬 in 2010 NHK大河ドラマ「龍馬伝」!

This is a big news in Japan since yesterday! Mainly because
坂本龍馬 played a very important role in Japan's history and he had lots of supporters, even till now. In addition Masha act in 大河ドラマ! This is a thing most people have never thought of.

NHK has approached Masha since one year ago to discuss on this project and Masha only accepted this offer in Oct. According to the press, Masha's first reaction was
「僕なんかでいいんですか?」. It's understandable that Masha needs such a long time to consider taking up this offer. He must be very pressurized now as he needs to protray the role well in order not to let 坂本龍馬's fans and the staff down. Moreover this is a very big project and the drama will run for one year. Filming will start in August 2009 and Masha has started reading 坂本龍馬 information and expressed that he wishes to start learning sword fighting skills.

I am really impressed by the reason why NHK has picked Masha:

「龍馬は33歳で亡くなるまで、前進し進化し続けた人。福山さんはそのイメージにぴったり。俳優としても成長期で、これからが旬の人だと強く思った」とほ れ込んだ鈴木氏らが粘り強く交渉を続け、発表ギリギリの10月下旬に正式OKをもらった。「決め手はしつこさ」と笑った同氏だが、龍馬が薩長同盟に尽力 し、海援隊を結成した地、長崎が福山の故郷だったことも要因となったようだ。

Yes, Masha is a 'never ending' person and always try to strive to a higher stage.

Actually I was quite happy to hear that Masha is acting as
坂本龍馬 as I find that it is somehow fated that I am related to this whole event. I visited 桂浜,高知 last April, during Masha's 17年モノ tour and that was the time when I knew about 龍馬. At first I could not understand why he has so many fans before my trip. During the trip I found out more about him and understand why people like him even till now. He is really talented. I was influenced by the 龍馬 craze and bought some 龍馬 items. The item I love most is my 龍馬キユーピー. I guess with this drama more tourists may go to 桂浜.

Anyway, 2010 is another year I am looking forward to! And I hope to go 高知 again someday as I really love the place!

Thursday, November 06, 2008






Sore eye

I had sore eye yesterday and got a MC so rest at home.

I wouldn't say it's a bad thing to get sore eye as I have the chance to rest at home. Just that come to think of it, I think I am unlucky since last week. Injury, can't get Masha's tickets and yesterday, sore eye.

Went back office today and there is a whole pile of work waiting for me.
m(_ _;)m

I would say I was rather efficient today as I cleared quite a couple of outstanding work. Hmm, I have not been so efficient for quite some time. Clearing things too fast is not really what I want as I don't have the time to think through it. Well, it's part and parcel of working life.

I went for an external meeting and met Leo coincidentally after the meeting. Lucky me as I got a lift from her to the bus stop!

I told her of my sorrow this one week and she found it amused. After home she sms me and said my topics were interesting through her boring day. m(_ _)m

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Last Lesson

I went for my last lesson at Dance Arts today. I am not going to continue at Dance Arts as the pace is too slow. Will concentrate on the intermediate class at Danz People instead.

My course is ending on next Tuesday, so I think I better use the last lesson today and rest for the next one to two weeks.

Today's lesson was quite fun. The cheoro and music are nice. But as usual, quite fast and I need to use energy. I conserved energy at the beginning coz I don't want to worsen my injury. But well, as I get engrossed, hack care! So I felt the pain at the middle of the class... At end of the class, yes, I felt the pain worsening.
m(_ _;)m

And yes, I need to be a good gal and rest for the next two weeks. I will still go for Exotic Dance rehersals but gym and hip hop, I have to stop. Arghhh, I can only start hip hop on 22 November! This means I can't take part in the recital for hip hop. m(_ _)m

Monday, November 03, 2008


I am suffering from the worse injury ever. I strained the veins of left side of my body and it affected my left leg. (つд`)

I felt the injury after I finished Hip Hop class last Tuesday. So I rested for two days and went to Wade Robson's workshop on Friday. And yes, I experienced the pain after the workshop. Saturday I went to Pump as I don't feel that painful. At night wore my boots to Dance War... there it went, I felt the impact on Sunday.m(_ _;)m

Went for foot massage yesterday and was told by Hiew (my massager) that I have strained my vein and have to rest at least 2-3 weeks... Shock!!!
Σ( ̄□ ̄)!

I don't know if I can rest... I can't stop dancing!!!

Why am I so unlucky??? First can't get Masha's concert tickets, and now injury...
m(_ _;)m

Dance War

The standard of the teams at Dance War were high! As expected, the winner was Little White Riding Hood, which is headed by Xiao. Their dances are great and I like the cheoro and the creativity.

Saw two of the groups which took part in Code Edge too and they danced the same or similar track/cheoro as in Code Edge... er, so makes me feel nothing new. Well, maybe they don't have time to practice coz both events were only 2 weeks apart.

The dance performance by Platinum, Sheena and Francis were good. Pat's cheoro was great!

I stood in front of the judges, so saw Wade Robson again. Haha.

The thing I hate about this event was the poor organisation by St James Powerhouse. Even though they have a big name, being a popular place, the way they manage really sucks. There was such a long queue and they refused to let people in, even though the event was supposed to start at 7.15pm. By around 8.30pm, the event has to start as they have to finish by 10pm. Then I went back to queue with my friends. And guess what? The two men who check the identity of the customers, checked so slow and kept chatting with one another. We were all so fed up. They should fasten the process of checking as the event has started. The funny thing is one of the men chopped the stamp (entry/exit stamp) on my hand, then ask me, how old are you? FUNNY right? Shouldn't they ask before they chop the stamp?

Then at the dance floor, while I was standing, one of the waiteress knocked onto me. Didn't even give signal that she needs to pass by. When I stared at her, she stared at me back. So damn rude. And the same waitress kind of snatched the empty cup from the caucasian beside me without even telling him that she needs to collect the empty cup. The caucasian was caught by surprised by her rudeness.

The worse is St James did not tell us that the free drinks are valid till 10pm only. The coupon indicated it is for the day itself. So in the end, we did not managed to get our drinks after the event. Sickening!!!

Anyway, I hate St James Powerstation and won't go back unless I have to attend some event.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Wade Robson Workshop 31 Oct 2008

I attended Wade Robson's workshop last night.

It was quite fun and not as difficult as I thought it would be. Well, in terms of pace, it's alright. I can catch most of the steps, but it's hard to get the feel as Wade's cheorography is rather unique. The music is rather fast (it's the first piece of music that is played in his official website) and some people don't get it either.

Wade is really observant! He highlighted to us of the mistakes that he spotted. Some of them looking around, not protraying the feeling we should have for this song. As he said even though the dance has not started, once the music is played, it means the dance has started and we should put our feelings into it.

He is rather patient and ensure that we can catch what he's teaching and keep on asking if we have questions. He demonstrated many times to us. I am glad that he showed us the feel and steps, and coach us the things to look out for - first listen to music, then mark the steps, practice then go for it. This is a very important tip in learning dance.

It was a one and half hour lesson. After that, he stayed for Question and Answer Session. He replied to all questions sincerely. The things he said that impact me most during the Q&A were:

- dancers have to experience life. If not, it's hard to gain experience and bringing the feeling into the dance
- dancers should also try all sorts of dance. Even if you are a hip hop dancer, you should move out of your comfort zone and try to learn other types of dance. By doing so, you will be able to bring these dances into your own area

Having started dancing at the age of 2 and without going through formal training, Wade has managed to build up his career as a cheorographer. He said he wants to be a cheorographer than be a dancer. He's only 26 years old now, and it seems like he's really enjoying his life and career.

After the Q&A we took photos with him. Even asked for his autograph! Wade is quite friendly

I persuaded Bernice to give her halloween chocolate (of a eye) to him. Then she gave another choco to Wade's wife, Amanda. We took photos with Amanda. She's pretty friendly. Despite their fame, they are quite approachable. Well, I think Mig is still the most friendliest big star I have ever seen.

Looking forward to Dance War in a few hours time~!