Soul with Masha

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Strange hobby

I have this strange hobby of liking an artist and the whole craze will die down after a short while.

Let me recall who are the ones...山下智久(2003)、玉木宏(2004)、玉山鉄二(2004)、Atsushi (EXILE),
劇団ひとり、水嶋ヒロ、溝端淳平 etc (can't recall the whole list)...During the craze period, I will check all the information regarding the person. So even though I have no feeling towards the artists now, I still read his news if I happen to see it.

Sometimes,I will also suddenly have interest towards an artist and will want to find out more about him, even though I have no special feeling toward him. Like 速水もこみち、小池徹平、田中聖 etc.

So sometimes my friends are surprised why I know so much about certain artists even though I am not their fans. Well, that's because I did some research on them.

My craze for w-inds is the longest. It started in 2004 and somehow in this year, the craze kind of die off. It's not that I don't like them anymore, but I would not purposely look for their news. Maybe I got kind of tired after watching 5 of their concerts last year. But still, I like their dance and songs. I always think that 龍一 is 凄い coz he is ranked number 2 after Masha in my ranking list and is the first to be ranked second.

My craze now is 羞恥心 and I don't know how long it will last. 上地くん has somehow taken over 龍一's rank. Maybe young age is not suitable for me?
m(_ _;)m

My ranking list only has 2 persons. I can't accomodate more than 2. Don't know why. Needless to say, Masha is the number 1 in my list, and he has become part of my life.

上地くん?No fight with Masha. ごめんね、雄ちゃん!


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