Stalls selling V6 concert goods

played guitar and sang solo
Reached Rainbow Hall around 1.20pm. Quickly bought the goods that I wanted and Ros/Perina asked me to buy. Luckily no queue.
Entered the hall and found it.. quite small. Maybe smallerthan 大阪城ホール, but the stage setting is nice. Centrestage has a V6 sign on the screen, then there is a runwayextending from the centre stage to the centre of the arena,where there is another small stage. There are 2 other small runways at the left and right hand sides of the hall. On the whole, Johnny ensures that the artists can cover allthe audiences in the hall.
My seat was rather good. I was seated at the left hand side when directly facing the stage. I can see the stage quite clearly.The concert started at 2.30pm sharp. This is the second last concert. Too bad I can’t attend the finale at 6.30pm, else can’t rush back to Tokyo on time.
V6 came out and sang “Orange”. They stood on a UFO kind ofstage, hanging from the top of the ceiling. When half way throughthe song, the UFO got slanted. I can see they stoodfirm and hold on the bar. Solid! The lightings were superb. I can see V6 much more clearly than kinki kids’concert last year as I sat more nearer. V6 ran around the runways. So basically I can see all of them. So glad that i can see 岡田くん, 坂本さんand 井ノ原くん again.
There was a song where all of them stand on the ailse. The one nearest to me was 森田くん. I did not bother to see him at all. Instead, I looked far right side at岡田くん. 岡田くん carried a small baby whom the audience brought to the concert. The way he carried the baby (who is dressedin orange!) with a smile was so cute.
There was solo performance by all of them. 坂本さん did tap dance.Good! I did not know the small stage stretch to the center wasmade of plastic for the floor. I only knew it when the camerashot him from the bottom while he danced. Kind of like 坂本さん’s smile now. I can see he really laugh hard and he is enjoying himself when he sang and danced. He is the only one whom I see can enjoyed most on stage and had the soul when dancing,like 龍一くん.
森田くんdid solo hip hop dance. He was good, but I did not see the soul in him. 三宅くん, 井ノ原くん and長野くん did solo dance and sang.. basically they can dance well but I could not see their souls when they danced.
岡田くん played guitar and sang. Surprising he can sing well at‘live’. His performance was kind of attractive.. the resthave changed clothes and came out to sing with him at the end of his song. During the music changed to another song, 岡田くん rushed to backstage and changed clothes, then joined the rest to sing. It was less than 10 sec! Wow!
During MCs, 井ノ原くん kept talking.. the rest also talked here and there. 井ノ原くん can really talk! He even said to 森田くん - next year is your debut right? before kat-tun. Weall laughed! KAT-TUN is famous but never have an album/single. 井ノ原くん kept making fun of 坂本さん. 坂本さん always showed his big smile! The only 1 who did not talked much was 岡田くん . 岡田くん hold the mike near to his mouth, looked at them while they talked. Sometimes, fidgeting, touching his clothes, lookingdown etc. He even covered his mouth, put the mike down,turned away and sneeze! Haha. probably not many people noticed this scene coz everyone seem to be engrossed in their talks. 岡田くん ‘s mind wondered away, I think. When 井ノ原くん asked him what is their views of 10th anniversary, the rest of the V6 members turned and looked at 岡田くん. 岡田くん looked blur and said ‘え?’ He did not even know 井ノ原くん is asking him. Haha!
There was 1 scene where the staff came out to mop the floor during MCtime. The floor was however not cleaned probably. V6 used the mops to clean it. Great to see them mopped the floor.
There were 2 songs where the whole audience sang, without V6. I like that feeling and atmosphere! V6 were happy too,when the whole audience sang.
We had 2 encores. The last 1 all the audiences keptshouting till they came out. So finally they sand “Utao Utao”with the whole audience. The concert ended at 5.10pm. V6 only have around 1hr to rest till the finale concert at 6.30pm. Good stamina!
On the whole, the concert was great! I enjoyed it and was glad to be able to see them. Too bad that my seat and spacearound me is small. I can’t dance that much as w-indsconcerts. But it is really good to be able to attend. I tried my best to target 3 persons - 岡田くん, 坂本さん and 井ノ原くん. I must really focus else lost concentration. If I have the chance, I would want to attend V6’s concerts again!
Hmm.. tomorrow is kinki’sconcert.. I hope I enjoyed it too. Hopefull they have special guests to promote Johnny’s countdown concert likelast year. NEWS??? KAT-TUN???