1 January 2006 - Happy New Year!!!

Well, New Year again!
I woke up around 11.15am.. met Maki and Su around 3.20pm andheaded for lunch at a ramen shop. Then we went to 平和島温泉クアハウス.It was good to try all the bath. Just like shopping for baths..
Shopped at supermarket.. then went to Dennys for dinner. Oh my gosh, I have been here 7 years back. Nothing seemed tochange, the decorations. layout etc.
We chatted and had dinner. It was fun! We had interestingtalks like hair, V6, Masha etc. 今中さん called around10pm to remind me that I have to go back tomorrow. Arghh, don’t remind me! I hate to think of this. Got to face reality when back..worst still, got to work on 3 Jan..Arghhh!!!
Really thank Su and Maki for spending their time with us,all the way to and from Kazo! Today we don’t have the time to goto their house. I hope to visit their parents in 2006! It has been 1 year since I visited their parents. Wow, time flies! Got lots of things that I should bring back. Masha’s dvdsetc.. but too heavy, got to trouble Maki to send it I need to face reality soon... kind of feeling down now...sigh
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