29 December 2005 - 渋谷

岡田くん's advertisement for Vodafone at 渋谷駅
Today is the first time I shop at 渋谷。Been there about 3 times previously but didn’t really shop much The people there are really in fashion! Guys dressed very well, and can see a few quite good looking guys aroud.
Met a teenage boy at 吉野や, during our lunch at 3pm。He is really cute and good looking. We were about to leave when he came in. I had to leave the seat early coz he and his friend can’t find a seat. I did not know that I dropped my muffler. His friend picked it up for me. He smiled and kind of shy. I think they know we are foreigners and do not dare to talk to us. I think most Japanese have this feeling - worried to talk to foreigners, especialy if they do not understand English.
Walked to ス-パン坂 and Tokyo FM radio. Finally been to these places after hearing it for so long. Then went to J pop cafe and hope to be able to enter into w-inds museum. But too many fans, so drop the idea.
I could not resist and bought a few cds, keke.. Mr Children’s album, good bargain. Only 1000 yen. EXILE’s new single, レメオロメン single, which has “紛雪” the theme song for a drama 一 リダルの涙. 山下達朗’s single Chirstmas Eve.. And I can’t resist and bought w-inds Ageha concert dvd! Wanted to wait for thetaiwan version initially. but don’t know when the taiwan version will be out and it normally don’t have dvd.. so I bought it.
We changed our plan to go Odaiba coz it is around 6pm by the time we have kinda finish our shopping. So juz went around again, hunting for hair salon.. Instead we ended upat サクラヤ, a shop selling electronic gds, watches etc.
Perina bought a baby G watch. Initially she wanted to buythe pink color one, under the puppy range. I pointedout the collaboration one with some dolphin society. That was more expensive but unique.
While she was paying, I managed to spot a Citizen XC Autum and Winter limited edition watch. This watch is only limited to 1000 pieces and is chosen by 玉木宏 (spoke person for Citizen). The watch is really nice and light. it contains roman numbering, which I like.Quite expensive.. and considering that I would like to buya good watch for myself, and I can’t afford expensive watchlike Omega, Rolex etc, I bought it so after much considerations. Arghh, go back to S’pore must eat grass already..
Tired now.. got to rest and conserve energy for tomorrowconcert.. Boring, only left 4 days and I got to go back toface the reality.. sigh Don’t want to think of it now.. just want to enjoy!
sent toyoko shinagawa 10.57pm
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