27 December 2005 - 京都

Today we left for Kyoto around 1plus.
Weather there was sooo cold! My ears felt painful coz ofthe strong wind when we went up to 9th floor at Kyotostation to see the scenery. Aiyo, 1st time i have thispiercing pain in my ears.. unforgetable
Then we went to shop around 四条通川町 (Shijio Kawamachi), the famous shopping street of Kyoto. When I reached Kyoto, my eyes can’t stop sweeping around. Kyoto guys really have sharp features and quite a number are tall, as compared to otherguys at Tokyo, Osaka etc. Perina agreed that Kyoto guys are better looking. Haha! We have a common signal, which we will use when we see nice looking guys.. er, will not disclose this in email. There was a time where I did the action for the signal (actually was to call her) and Perina got worked up and asked “Where? Where?” Hahaha!!! The signal got onto her mind!
I bought 2 pairs of shoes at ABC mart - Hawkins and New Balance. I think I am just crazy about New Balance. But I really like the color of the New Balance shoes that I bought, which I will never find in S'pore.
Today is a shopping and guys looking trip for us.. On the whole it was enjoyable. But, why I do not have 艷遇 again? As long as my lover Perinais around me, I don’t have this luck.. sigh
Will miss 関西.. 東京 is much boring as not many good looking guys around
sent at hotel kinki,0.24am
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