26 December 2005 - 名古屋、 V6 握手会

V6 are 井ノ原快彦, 三宅健, 岡田准一, 森田剛, 長野博, 坂本昌行
Waited for 4 hours in the freezing cold outside 名古屋レインボーホール (Nagoya Rainbow Hall) before I can see V6.
I was really surprised when I entered into a small room. I thought the venue would be much bigger. The moment I entered into the room, I saw video cameras, staff behind the fans who queued in one line.. and 岡田くん!
Oh my god, I got a shock! 岡田くんis so カツコイイ!I saw his left side view. Oh my gosh!!! I got so excited and mumbled to Perina – “岡田! 岡田!” When I looked at 岡田くん’s eyes, my mind can’t function well. We had eye contact. He looked straight into my eyes with a big smile, shook my hand and said “ ありがとうございます(Thank You)“ . I leaned forward to him, almost touching his face! Told him I am from S’pore in Japanese. 岡田くん continued to give me his big smile and said said “ ありがとうございます” I could see that he is sincere, but rather reserved.
The next one is 森田くん. He just shook my hand and gave that frustrated look. He did not even bother to smile and his eyes just swept around. Damn attitude! Feel like giving him a slap.
Then 井ノ原くん! Oh, my mind went blank again. I love his BIG smile. I really enjoyed the moment when we had eye contact. In fact his eyes are so small that I can’t see his pupils. Nevertheless 井ノ原くん’s smile was so sweet and sincere. I felt as if I am dreaming. I think he used both hands to shake my hands. He’s a really nice and approachable guy. I told him I am from S’pore, he said “ ありがとうございます” twice. I hope he hears it, coz his expression looks the same.
When I was about to reach 長野くん, the girl next to metripped and fell. I immediately hold her, with the help ofa staff. 長野くんs eem helpless when he saw the girl fell down. When Iapproached to shake 長野くん’s hands, he looked at me from my head to toe. He then smiled and said “ありがとうございます.” I think he wondered where do I come from. I did not bother to talk tohim, just smiled, coz things happened too fast! And I don’t think he is an approachable guy.
Next is 三宅くん. 三宅くんis short. He curled up, did not have eye contact, said “ありがとうございます.” and looked at the next girl. He looks quitescared when he shake. Very cute guy.
Lastly is 坂本さん. 坂本さん is the tallest among them. Helooked very impressing and charismatic in real person. His big smileattracted me. 坂本さん looked straight into my eyes and said “ありがとうございます.” I could not control myself and told him I am from S’pore (initially I planned to tell 岡田くん and井ノ原くん only). 坂本さん continued give me his big smile and said “ありがとうございます.”again. I think 坂本さん heard me. When I was about to leave, I turned to looked at 岡田くん and 井ノ原くん. When I looked at 坂本さん, he turned and looked at me, give me his big smile again with a slight bow and said “ありがとうございます.” I smiled and waved bye bye to him.
All these happened within 10 - 15 secs. It was too fast! Icould not recover from the shock. Especially I have seen 岡田くん and shook hands with him. There were fans who cried afterseeing V6. I can understand their feeling. But for me, I just want to see them, that's all.
The most sincere among them is 坂本さん. 岡田くん and 井ノ原くんaresincere too, as I think all of them use both their hands to shake. I have this strange feeling towards 長野くん. I think he screens people. Not that approachable guy. 三宅くん, not that sincere, but still ok. 森田くんis the worst!
Till now, I could not believe that I saw V6 nd shook handswith them. According to Perina, she did not know that the girl fell. I remembered I saw her left the room when I walked to either 三宅くん or 坂本さん. So probably I have more time with them. The most unexpected was I found that 坂本さん is so charming. He looks most unattractive on TV and magazines.
Good experience! Looking forward to their concert on 28Dec, 2.30pm at Nagoya.
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