
Yes, I bought CDs again. This time is 加藤和樹 albums.
I knew about 和樹くん from JUNON about 2 years back. Only know that he took part in JUNON boys and he has singles. From the look of his single cover, I can kind of sense that his songs are a bit rock.
I watched his drama ホタルノヒカリ recently. I’m not fascinated by his looks or acting but has the sudden interest in how he sings. To my surprise, his singing is quite good and songs are rather nice, though some are rather “noisy.” Thus, I bought 3 of his albums at one go.
His songs are not bad. The ones I like most are “Faith” and “ユメヒコウキ.”
和樹くん is having a concert tour now and his finale concert is at 武道館 on 28 April. I will consider buying his 2008 concert dvd if it is on sale.
和樹くん updates his blog quite frequently and I kind of enjoy reading it. He said in an interview before that he prefers to keep things to himself rather than sharing with others. Thus I am surprised that he does write quite a lot of his own feelings in his blog.
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