ドルフィンブルー ~フジもういちど宙へ~

I am glad that I bought the DVD. The lead for this movie is 松山ケイチ(acted as the vet 植田さん) and フジ (the dolphin).
This movie is based on the real story of a dolphin (イルカ) called 「フジ」(Fuji) at 沖縄美ら海水族館. フジ lost her tail due to unidentified illness in 2002 and she was not able to swim then. The vet and team members of 沖縄美ら海水族館 made her a 人工尾. フジ is now able to swim and she is the first dolphin in the world to have 人工尾.
I am touched by フジ will to survive and the team’s effort. 私は動物は一生懸命生きるのことを尊敬します。人と比べて動物はもっと強いと思います。
I have plans to go沖縄美ら海水族館. 沖縄美ら海水族館 is the biggest aquarium in the world. I would really love to go there and see how beautiful the place is...and to meet フジ too.
This movie is based on the real story of a dolphin (イルカ) called 「フジ」(Fuji) at 沖縄美ら海水族館. フジ lost her tail due to unidentified illness in 2002 and she was not able to swim then. The vet and team members of 沖縄美ら海水族館 made her a 人工尾. フジ is now able to swim and she is the first dolphin in the world to have 人工尾.
I am touched by フジ will to survive and the team’s effort. 私は動物は一生懸命生きるのことを尊敬します。人と比べて動物はもっと強いと思います。
I have plans to go沖縄美ら海水族館. 沖縄美ら海水族館 is the biggest aquarium in the world. I would really love to go there and see how beautiful the place is...and to meet フジ too.
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