Soul with Masha

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

10 November 2007 – w-inds. Live Tour 2007 "Journey" 2007.11.10@台北小巨蛋


I met 橘舞 and got the concert tickets from her. I thought I could not recognized her but I do. She seemed happy because of w-inds concerts. She’s a nice girl but her world only evolves around w-inds, which I find it is unhealthy. Anyway, Leo and I waited about 20 minutes each to enter the toilets outside Taipei Arena. When we entered Taipei Arena, the toilets near the arena are empty. >-<

I did some stretching exercise again, to release tiredness and get ready to dance! I met up with 旻芳, 橘舞’s friend who helped me to buy the tickets. 旻芳 is a simple and nice lady. We can chat well. It was really nice to meet up new friend in Taipei.

The concert was supposed to start at 7pm but it started at 7.30pm instead. The seating rate was only about 70%. Ticket sales were rather poor as it was exam period in Taiwan.

My seat was 33th row, almost facing the middle of the stage. I was not really disturbed by the seat but was very disturbed when the sound system was so bad. I could not really hear what Keita sing sometimes and he sang out of tune. I wonder is he really sang out of tune or because of poor sound system. Frankly speaking, I did not really enjoy myself for this concert. Mainly due to the sound system. I wonder if it is also because it is not in Japan.

During the first MC, 龍一 said that he has heard that besides Taiwan, there are fans from other countries who attend this concert and he was looking around the whole Dome when he said that. I have put up my シンガポール board high up at that time. I heard someone complained that my board blocked her view. Anyway, I placed it on my chest then. I wonder if he has seen it though. When
龍一 talked that there are fans from Japan too, 2 young gals, who sat near me, and are Japanese immediately screamed. 龍一 was quite happy when he heard their screams.

涼平 thanked fans for signing the petition to ask w-inds to come to Taipei for concerts. They are really touched by the fans’ enthusiasm. It seemed like 慶太 received the loudest cheer when he introduced himself.

At the second MC, w-inds were at a loss of words. They don’t know what to say because they knew there is language barrier. So 慶太 said those who know Japanese keep quiet. The whole Dome was quiet then. The three of them were quite happy and doubtful that all the audience understands Japanese. One of them said seems there are male fans. 龍一 then said “メンス!”He was asking for all male fans to shout. But all the audience just screamed, and of course, all females. (><) I of course kept quiet. Oh gosh, I could not stop laughing. It was so funny. The fans don’t seem to understand Japanese after all. w-inds found it funny but they could not laughed. So they said let’s just sing.

They did not talked much during the MC in this concert. Most probably is because they do not know what to say to the fans as fans do not understand what they say.

龍一 do not seem to be so high during his solo dance performance. I wonder why….

This is the song list that they sang at this concert. It’s great to see them dance and sing live for new song “Beautiful Life,” Hmm, but they did not sing “Forever Memories” and “Feel the Fate.” I can understand they replace one old song for the new song. But why do they short sing of one song?



Another Days
Top Secret
Crazy for You

Dance Bridge
Is that you



Try your emotion

Beautiful Life
Fire Flower


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

10 November 2007 – Taipei


We woke up around 10.30am. Leo got a shock! Haha. She planned to wake up much earlier as she is meeting her friend at 10.30am.

We had breakfast and then went to change my DVD at 光南批發. The DVD has some scratches. I could not locate my receipt so they only allowed me to change with new items instead. In the end, I got Masha’s 5年モノ normal press album and 東京にもあったんだ first press single. I cannot run from Masha. =)

We went to 台北101. It was the tallest building in Taiwan or Asia? Anyway, it is not interesting to me as most of the shops sell branded stuff. We had our lunch at the food court. We had a hard time trying to find food. Each serving portion and plate is so big that it makes me puke and lose my appetite.

Leo and I went separate ways to see our stuff. Then we went to 誠品書店. I was rather tired and bored. So I left and go back to hotel while Leo waited for Hwee Ching.

It was rather cold today and was drizzling since morning. I walked past 新光三越 and saw a group of people gathered there. It was 潘偉柏 signing autograph session. There was not much fans actually. Maybe around 30? The rest were just passerby, like me. So I took my chance to take his photo too.

I rested at hotel for a while, took the Singapore board and set off for w-inds concert at Taipei Dome. I looked forward to the concert!

9 November 2007 - Taipei

Our lunch

We woke up rather late. So after breakfast, we went to a wholesaler 光南批發 located very near to hotel to buy CDs/DVDs. I bought quite a lot of CDs again… Hehe

As it was past noon after all our shopping, we had lunch at one of the 豚カツ (tonkatsu) restaurant nearby. The food was rather nice. We decided not to go 淡水 since there is not much time as we need to meet Leo’s friend at 7pm. So we decided to spilt our ways. Leo went to the same place to source for her comics and I went to 新光三越 to shop for Nike and Addidas stuff. I took my own sweet time to look through all the items in that floor, tried the gym wear. I bought a Addidas sports bra (50% off – good buy!) and a Nike sports pant. I was rather disappointed that Nike don’t have nice sports pants that I am looking for.

I met up with Leo and her friend Hwee Ching at 劍潭站 to go to 士林夜市 (Shilin Night Market - a big night market). I like士林夜市, I like the atmosphere of night market. There are so many shops and eatery stalls.

I stopped at Nike Women Store. It was the first few shops we saw when we started the 士林夜市 tour. I spent one plus hour there to try the gym wear. I tried 10 plus pieces of gym tops and about 10 pieces of gym pants! Oh gosh, first time I felt as if I am a rich lady. I bought 8 gym wear at first. Then I saw the pant which I had noticed when I entered the shop at the Nike phamplet. It was a dance pants. The color is unique and I like it. So I tried again and bought it. So in total I bought 9 pieces of gym wear from Nike Women Store. Although there is 20% discount storewide, I still paid quite a lot for these items. I cannot imagine I bought 9 pieces of Nike stuff today. I don’t mind paying that much at one go. I need the gym wear and I am not those that like to follow gym wear fashion. So this much can last me for the next couple of years.

We went around window shopping and buying small snacks. I like the poh piah ice cream. I hate the 臭豆腐 (smelly beancurd). I cannot stand the smell from far. Leo asked me to try eating it. I tried a bit but puke it out. The smell was really disgusting. Never in my life would I want to eat臭豆腐 again. Luckily Hwee Cheng has chewing gum with her and gave it to me. Else my mouth will be stinked with 臭豆腐.

The shoes in 士林夜市 are cheap but many designs do not have my size. I bought a pair of boots, which cost only about S$20. Cheap! But I guess the quality is not good and maybe won’t last long.

We left 士林夜市 about 12 midnight and caught the last train. Lucky! The weather was cool, so it was nice walking at士林夜市.

As usual, Leo and I chatted after we took the shower. She complained that her stomach is so big because of overate. I said she looks as if she is 5 months pregnant and she agreed. Haha! I tried to control my diet and not to overeat. Else I have to work out like crazy when back to Singapore.

I slept at almost 3am… ah, have to get a good sleep and conserve energy for the concert.

8 November 2007 – Arrival in Taipei

Leo and I reached Taipei city around 7.15pm. The weather was around 21 degrees. We were rather surprised when we saw Taiwanese wearing winter clothes. We looked at each of them while walking to the hotel, and then we looked at one another, trying to control our laugher. The Taiwanese are quite exaggerating. I am not insulting them but just feel that this kind of weather does not require winter clothes.

We put our luggage and went to search for food. We ended up in a small eatery house that sells vegetarian food. I don’t like vegetarian food and if not because of my hunger and want to rush to the comic shops, I would have spent more time searching for better food.

We alighted one stop away - 中山站. This area has a few wholesalers that sell comics. We walked for about 5 – 10minutes. Either the shop is closed or we cannot locate the place for the other shop. We looked lost at a big junction and an uncle offered to help. He was curious why we would want to look for the place and when he heard that it was for comics, he looked at us in surprised. He said something like “你們有沒有搞錯,現在幾點了?店都関了.”He was full of expression when he said it. It was rather comical and I felt so 丟臉 because he treated us like fools. In the end Leo called up the shop and the shop owner picked us up at the 7-11 near the junction.

We stayed in the comic shop for quite long as Leo has a long list to buy. The shop owners, daughter and mother are friendly and serve us well. We chatted for a while and understand from them that it is rather hard to maintain a old shop like them due to the poor economy.

After purchase of comics, we walked back to hotel. It took us about 10 minutes walk. Went to Family Mart and bought my groceries. So happy to see Ebisu beer (green bottle). It was made in Taiwan, and cost about NT45. So I drank beer and relax after bath. Tomorrow will be a busy day. ^-^


阿部寛さん (43 years old) announced in a press conference at Roppongi yesterday that he is getting married! Wow! His wife is a 28 year old OL (office lady) and they have been together for the past one and half year.
I cannot recall when I got to know 阿部寛さん. I think it was probably in the late 80s or early 90s when I got to know him. He was a model turned actor. His acting improved so much these few years. I guess it takes time for an actor to gain life experience and be able to shine.
Anyway, I feel happy for 阿部寛さん and probably the new experience he has will help him in his future roles.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

w-inds.飆嗓加戲 涼平慶生怕早衰

w-inds.飆嗓加戲 涼平慶生怕早衰

■「w-inds.」在台連唱2場,各國粉絲捧場。(記者黃柏榮攝) 記者林曉娟/台北報導



主唱橘慶太前天在結束首場演出後,喉嚨雖然有些不適,不過,他昨天仍賣力演出,勁歌熱舞之餘,再度脫衣秀肌肉,讓粉絲大飽眼福;緒方龍一看見台下的各國歌迷,不忘使出中、英、日文搞笑說:「今天也有Many People來看演唱會,真開心! 」





w-inds.第2場開唱 橘慶太撩衣逗歌迷 涼平提前慶生

18日是團員千葉涼平的生日,昨天歌迷相約提前為他慶生,當台下響起合唱〈生日快樂歌〉時,涼平一臉不可置信,他表示:「過了這個生日,我就23歲了,謝謝大家。」緒方龍一也中、英、日語夾雜的表示:「今天也有many people來看演唱會呢!台北真是powerful的城市!」龍平一旁用中文直說:「對、對、對!」笑翻台下歌迷。

w-inds.原汁濕身秀 聲震巨蛋



此次演唱會主題是「w-inds.的音樂旅程」,以他們出道至今的各階段演唱畫面呼應主題揭開序幕。3位小帥哥從舞台中央的巨型氣球中爆破而出,載歌載舞詮釋人氣單曲《Boogie Woogie 66》;隨後3人以中文向大家問好,緒方龍一還大喊:「大家high嗎?」現場粉絲則不斷地嘶吼3位團員的名字。

橘慶太脫背心露肌 中場橘慶太以酷帥造型,深情獨唱新專輯中的《Is that you》;演唱歌曲《Devil》時,他突然脫去背心,露出結實胸肌,歌迷齊聲尖叫;後段則以高亢嗓音飆唱動感十足的《LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING》,掀起另波高潮。 安可時,他特別演唱改填中文歌詞的《美麗風采》:「愛情不該是這樣的,妳說我總讓妳覺得生氣,像著傻瓜唱著讓人感傷的歌。」獲得歌迷的熱烈掌聲。他笑說:「中文發音真的好難,雖然來台前一直猛練,還是沒信心。」

甜包沾錯鹹醬出糗 昨晚w-inds.換了7套衣服,並從日本空運來台的購物袋、手機吊飾、扇子、場刊等周邊商品,售價從300元到900元不等;演唱會今晚7時在台北巨蛋還有1場,可現場購票。 他們昨天上午便至會場彩排,中午工作人員外送鼎泰豐的小籠包、芋泥小包等料理到後台,橘慶太隨手拿了個包便沾醬料大口吞下,隨即臉色鐵青大喊:「好難吃!」原來他拿了芋泥小包沾鹹醬,當場出糗。
3度襲台 陣仗擴編
2004╱11╱12、13、14 .場地:南港101 .觀眾總人數:13000人 .最高票價:2300元 .工作人員:250人 2005╱09╱24、25 .
場地:新莊體育館 .觀眾總人數:10000人 .最高票價:2500元 .工作人員:300人 2007╱11╱10、11 .
場地:台北巨蛋 .觀眾總人數:16000人 .最高票價:3000元 .工作人員:400人


橘慶太手扒雞High翻 w-inds.落華語交心


身穿紅色披風 帥氣登場

「w-inds.」出道6年,3度在台開唱,是來台開唱次數最多的日本偶像團體,昨晚他們首度登上小巨蛋舞台,3人身穿紅色帥氣披風出場,在炫麗交錯的燈光視覺效果中,演唱「This is our show」、「Boogie Woogie66」等歌曲,掀起第1波高潮。

橘慶太熱舞 脫衣秀肌肉



另外,他們為了這次的演唱會,把他們的成名曲「美麗風采」,改編成華語版,當主唱橘慶太用華語唱出「撕破的照片握在手心,果然還完整,妳果然愛的漂亮。」等歌詞時,歌迷皆驚呼不已。今天他們在小巨蛋還有1場演出,結束演唱會後,3人將返日繼續新單曲「Beautiful life」的宣傳工作。

拋汗巾、後空翻 w-inds.撼動小巨蛋

w-inds.穿著西裝以帥氣舞蹈開場,炒熱演唱會氣氛。 記者 陳俊吉/攝影

w-inds.中場換上背心和白外套造型,大秀舞技。 記者陳俊吉/攝影


儘管台北昨天天氣涼颼颼,死忠粉絲一早就前來排隊,搶購周邊商品,螢光扇和小方巾被一掃而空,還有人以和服等特殊裝扮現身,想擄獲w-inds.的目光。團員一開場藏身在地球圖案的布景中,「破蛋而出」獻唱「THIS IS OUR SHOW」等多首快歌,炒熱現場氣氛,龍一不斷以國語問「大家high嗎?」熱情歌迷則揮舞螢光棒回應。


w-inds.團員以簡單國語向大家問候,獻唱半首中文歌「美麗風采」。團員以搞笑風格一搭一唱,涼平稱讚歌迷表現很棒,龍一則以國語附和「對對對」,惹得全場大笑,他示範了剛學的數字從1數到9,贏得滿堂彩。涼平感性地說,「2年不見,很想念大家」,龍一笑說「台灣日本很近,以後可以騎腳踏車來。」 w-inds.連唱了4首安可曲,但整場演唱會9時即宣布結束,現場歌迷還嫌不過癮,頻頻說太早了。

【2007/11/11 聯合報】

w-inds.轟台盛況如百貨周年慶 500粉絲接駕

w-inds at press conference

w-inds arrival at airport


這是他們第4度來台,昨午抵台時改走斯文路線,以灰黑色系西裝造型亮相,千葉涼平、緒方龍一不約而同戴上眼鏡,有鑑於前幾次訪台的混亂場面,昨天機場特別安排10名保全、30名工讀生維持秩序,仍阻擋不了粉絲的熱情。 蹺班蹺課接機 不少歌迷蹺班、蹺課接機,喜歡涼平的學生粉絲「青」,覺得他認真跳舞的樣子很可愛,還告白希望與他交往;20歲的「武者小路」花了兩星期親繪3人的漫畫造型看板,只為吸引偶像注意。 看到那麼多歌迷接機,3人表示很開心,透露雖然中文發音很難,這次仍苦練中文歌要給大家驚喜。記者會上,他們比出歌曲《It's in the stars》的手勢動作,希望與粉絲在演唱會上互動。主唱橘慶太透露,他上健身房跑步鍛鍊體能,崇尚自然的龍一登山儲備體力,愛吃肉的涼平則開始多吃青菜,均衡營養。

訪台陣仗50人 慶太在日本演唱會上,常隨興脫下上衣,露出精壯身材,他昨笑說:「最近感覺又長高了一點,至於會不會有性感的脫衣秀,大家拭目以待。」涼平18日將過23歲生日,他說很不想長大,因為擁有年輕體力才能一直又唱又跳。 w-inds.訪台陣仗50多人,日本10多名平面、電視記者隨行採訪。他們明、後晚在台北巨蛋有兩場演唱會,現場並將販售購物袋、手機吊飾等限量商品。

w-inds.の台灣奇蹟 專輯4連冠:2003~2006年連續4年專輯獲g-music綜合榜冠軍,國外歌手在台灣紀錄保持人 門票快銷王:2004年11月首次來台開唱,1萬張門票23分鐘銷售一空,創台灣演唱會史上最快銷售紀錄 人氣紅不讓:2006年9月來台參加「MTV封神榜萬人演唱會」,獲頒「最受歡迎日本團體」獎以及「中港台三地總銷量破120萬張」獎


w-inds.4度訪台 吵著要喝珍奶

日本偶像團體W-inds.再來台受到熱烈歡迎。 記者陳嘉寧/攝影 日本偶像團體w-inds.,昨天4度來台,為周末舉辦的演唱會彩排,即使非假日時間,仍吸引了400多名歌迷接機,團員千葉涼平戴著黑框眼鏡現身,緒方龍一和橘慶太則頑皮地拿相機反拍歌迷,近距離和粉絲握手,惹得現場尖叫聲連連。30多位和w-inds.同班機的歌迷,更幸運獲得合照、簽名,大讚他們超親切。
[207/11/09 聯合報]


日本偶像團體w-inds.(圖),8日四度赴台,為周末舉辦的演唱會彩排,即使非假日時間,仍吸引了四百多名歌迷接機,團員千葉涼平戴著黑框眼鏡現身,緒方龍一和橘慶太則頑皮地拿相機反拍歌迷,近距離和粉絲握手,惹得現場尖叫聲連連。30多位和w-inds.同班機的歌迷,更幸運獲得合照、簽名,大讚他們超親切。 w-inds.在記者會上亮相,頻頻比著象徵團名的w手勢和歌迷打招呼,團員戴上黑白紅三色帽子,還擺起動作自誇很帥。第三度赴台開演唱會,面對眾多歌迷接機,團員都很開心,更示範舞蹈動作,希望能讓歌迷學習,在演唱會派上用場。 多次訪台,w-inds.團員對台灣美食也不陌生,慶太表示,想品嘗美味的小籠包,而龍一跟涼平則對珍珠奶茶情有獨鍾,剛下飛機就吵著要工作人員去買,龍一還稱讚「珍珠奶茶能讓世界保持和平」,主持人黃子佼要他乾脆代言珍奶,每天喝個夠。隊長涼平18號將過生日,橘慶太表示五年前曾送皮包給他,這次生日也會送他錢包,希望他荷包滿滿。龍一則感性地說,「認識10年了,希望以後能繼續在一起,永遠不解散。」在主持人慫恿下,還深情地要給涼平一個擁抱。 團員還透露將首度挑戰演唱整首中文歌曲,給歌迷一個驚喜。為了籌備演唱會,w-inds.還以登山、勤練跑步機的方式鍛鍊身體,曾在日本演唱會脫衣熱舞的橘慶太,害羞地說「之前情緒控制不了,露太多」。不過,他也承諾,如果演唱會時氣氛夠high,一定會再脫,讓歌迷大飽眼福。



Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hip Hop

I was scolded by Patrick again yesterday for being early and not listening to the music. He played the music again and explained the beats to me, in front of about 16 people. Then he wanted us to practice on that particular set of steps only. I was not angry with him for scolding me in front of so many people. In fact, I am thankful to him for explaining to me and want us to practice again just because of my mistake. I would prefer Patrick to point out my mistake instead of keeping quiet about it.

After class, Patrick asked me “What is Hip Hop to you?” This question made me ponder… Hip Hop has been a part of my lifestyle ever since 2 years back. I started Hip Hop in Oct/Nov 2005 because I was inspired by w-inds, especially Ryuichi. When I started it, I really have a hard time trying to follow. Frankly speaking, I cannot remember how I managed to survive those days. I started dance from scratch, with no background at all. Initially I attended Patrick’s lessons only once a week. Ever since last year, I have been attending twice a week.

Patrick said yesterday that those good in languages are good in dance. Hmm, I told him this is not applicable to me. He then said something like “You have not used this part of the brain for so long, so it will take time to get used to it. It takes time for improvement (I told him it took me 2 years but I am still at Beginner stage). You have improved, so have you (he referred to Hui Jun – she has dance backgroun). He finally said that I have improved!!! I told him I started from scratch. I guess he was quite impressed of my persistence and said “If there is no improvement, you will not come back again right?”

In fact I have noticed my slight improvement this year. I noticed that I can count beats this year. And it took me one year plus to be able to do it! Thanks to Justis too, he has taught me on how to listen to the beats and some basic moves.

Actually the first time when Patrick complimented me was when he told HJ and Lisa that initially I was lost but I managed to catch up. So he asked them to take me as a good example. Wow, I was so happy when I hear that.

I wondered before why I still go for Patrick’s classes even though he is temperamental. I guess I like his dance style and admire his will to impart his skills to the younger generation and want to groom them. Eguene once told me that Patrick will never say to his student that he/she has improved. I am glad that Patrick actually told me that and pointed out my mistakes in classes. He told me yesterday that I am lack of rhythm and do not listen to music. He rather me be late than early. I keep thinking about Patrick’s comment and am trying to figure out how to improve… I do find myself having problems to hit on the right beat. I need to go for more classes and seek help from expertise!


I started Bodypump about one month ago and am kind of addicted to it now. I attend JD’s lesson every Sunday, 9am. JD is a good Instructor and I like him. He’s really 優しい and I like to see his expression when he makes a mistake. Unlike other Instructors, he does not hide his mistake and shows it. That is probably why I like him.

Initially I wanted to get use to the right technique as I injured myself twice due to the wrong technique used. I am getting used to the techniques and I have increased the weights slightly when I do the squats and bicep during Bodypump. Hopefully by the next two months or so, I can increase the weights for all the sections, especially the chest workout as I am very poor in it.

Last Sunday I did a 30 minute Cross Trainer after Bodypump. I did about 4000+ strokes and burnt about 300 calories. Wow! I am so satisfied with what I did. I shall continue to make it a habit to do Cross Trainer or Stepping after Bodypump. I like it so much when I perspire.

Friday, November 02, 2007


"私は馬鹿ですか? (watashiha baka desuka – Am I stupid?)." This is the question I once asked myself.

I like to go for concerts and can spend so much on it. Many friends do not understand why I am willing to spend such money as they feel that it is a waste of money to do so.

To me, I simply love watching my favourite artists perform and the atmosphere of the concerts. The enjoyments I get have given me good memories and always in my mind. I also get to know new friends at concerts. These are intangible things and cannot be calculated in monetary terms. Many women like to spend money on clothes, bags, shoes, salon etc. But to me, these tangible things are not important. I cannot understand why women like to buy such things, just like they cannot understand why I spend so much on concerts and CD/DVD.

Actually I am quite proud of the ‘achievements’ I obtained all these years. My history of watching concerts (locally or overseas) is too long to be counted. However, I am quite satisfied with my achievements for watching concerts overseas, especially during these recent years:

Sep 1998 – Masha’s concert at Fukuoka
Nov 1998 – Masha’s concert at Tokyo
Dec 2004 – Masha, Kinki Kids and Naohito Fujiki concerts at Tokyo
Jun 2005 – Masha’s concerts at Osaka
Sep 2005- w-inds concerts at Taipei
Dec 2005 – V6, Kinki Kids and Johnny countdown concerts
Aug/Sep 2006 – w-inds concerts at Nagoya and Tokyo
Apr 2007 – Masha’s concerts at Shikoku and w-inds FC event at Tokyo
Sep 2007 – w-inds concerts at Tokyo and Osaka
Total = 20 concerts and 1 FC event

Coming up concerts that I will be watching:
Nov 2007 – w-inds concerts at Taipei
Dec 2007 – Masha’s concert(s)…. and more?

My list will definitely get longer!

Well, like Rus said, everyone has their own indulgence. So as long as I am happy and use my own hard earned money to go for the concerts, I don’t care what other people think of me. Even if they said I am stupid.


日程:12月27日(木) open/17:30 start/19:00   
12月28日(金) open/17:30 start/19:00   
12月30日(日) open/15:30 start/17:00   
12月31日(月) open/21:30 start/23:00
料金:全席指定 \8,000
お問合せ:キョードー横浜 045-671-9911
※5歳以上チケット必要※12月31日は深夜公演の為、神奈川県青少年保護育成条例により、 18歳未満の方はご入場をお断り致します。

Ah!!!! Masha’s 大感謝祭 revives after a break of 3 years! This year there are only 4 concerts and at such a small hall. パシフィコ横浜国立大ホール can only accommodate 5002 people. Imagine whole Japan fans trying to snatch the concert tickets. The price for one ticket in auction now is a minimum of 50,000 yen. Wow!

And yes, I got the tickets for the countdown on 31 December! やった! I am very very very very… (x 1 million times) lucky to get the concert tickets through BROS. I attended 大感謝祭 in 2004 and it was so memorable and fun. I had a great 2005 and 2006 after the concert. This year 2007 too! So to me, spending the New Year Eve and New Year with Masha is such a blessing. I am really fortunate to have the chance this time round. I hope I can get ticket for 30 Dec through open sales as well. If not, then perhaps through ticket shops or auction. If really can’t, then perhaps watch Kinki Kid’s concert at Tokyo Dome. However, this is of lowest priority. Hehe.

I am so excited and looking forward to see Masha again. And of course Mami, who will be attending the concert with me. Hopefully the seats for this time are better than the ones I got for 十七モノ concert this year or if not same. I must pray really hard! Wish me luck!

274 Calaories

I was on medical leave the day before due to eye infection. Luckily it was a minor eye infection. Anyway, I went to gym for self-training and did a 30 minute stepping exercise. I burnt 274 calories for the stepping exercise. Hmm.. not enough. I need to burn more calories.

I went for sauna after the exercise. So relax!

This year I felt that if I am sick, I felt better after exercising. I felt really sick if I just stay at home and lie on the bed.

Er, maybe I have really become a gym freak? (>-<);