10 November 2007 – w-inds. Live Tour 2007 "Journey" 2007.11.10@台北小巨蛋

I met 橘舞 and got the concert tickets from her. I thought I could not recognized her but I do. She seemed happy because of w-inds concerts. She’s a nice girl but her world only evolves around w-inds, which I find it is unhealthy. Anyway, Leo and I waited about 20 minutes each to enter the toilets outside Taipei Arena. When we entered Taipei Arena, the toilets near the arena are empty. >-<
I did some stretching exercise again, to release tiredness and get ready to dance! I met up with 旻芳, 橘舞’s friend who helped me to buy the tickets. 旻芳 is a simple and nice lady. We can chat well. It was really nice to meet up new friend in Taipei.
The concert was supposed to start at 7pm but it started at 7.30pm instead. The seating rate was only about 70%. Ticket sales were rather poor as it was exam period in Taiwan.
My seat was 33th row, almost facing the middle of the stage. I was not really disturbed by the seat but was very disturbed when the sound system was so bad. I could not really hear what Keita sing sometimes and he sang out of tune. I wonder is he really sang out of tune or because of poor sound system. Frankly speaking, I did not really enjoy myself for this concert. Mainly due to the sound system. I wonder if it is also because it is not in Japan.
During the first MC, 龍一 said that he has heard that besides Taiwan, there are fans from other countries who attend this concert and he was looking around the whole Dome when he said that. I have put up my シンガポール board high up at that time. I heard someone complained that my board blocked her view. Anyway, I placed it on my chest then. I wonder if he has seen it though. When 龍一 talked that there are fans from Japan too, 2 young gals, who sat near me, and are Japanese immediately screamed. 龍一 was quite happy when he heard their screams.
涼平 thanked fans for signing the petition to ask w-inds to come to Taipei for concerts. They are really touched by the fans’ enthusiasm. It seemed like 慶太 received the loudest cheer when he introduced himself.
At the second MC, w-inds were at a loss of words. They don’t know what to say because they knew there is language barrier. So 慶太 said those who know Japanese keep quiet. The whole Dome was quiet then. The three of them were quite happy and doubtful that all the audience understands Japanese. One of them said seems there are male fans. 龍一 then said “メンス!”He was asking for all male fans to shout. But all the audience just screamed, and of course, all females. (><) I of course kept quiet. Oh gosh, I could not stop laughing. It was so funny. The fans don’t seem to understand Japanese after all. w-inds found it funny but they could not laughed. So they said let’s just sing.
They did not talked much during the MC in this concert. Most probably is because they do not know what to say to the fans as fans do not understand what they say.
龍一 do not seem to be so high during his solo dance performance. I wonder why….
This is the song list that they sang at this concert. It’s great to see them dance and sing live for new song “Beautiful Life,” Hmm, but they did not sing “Forever Memories” and “Feel the Fate.” I can understand they replace one old song for the new song. But why do they short sing of one song?
Another Days
Top Secret
Crazy for You
Dance Bridge
Is that you
Try your emotion
Beautiful Life
Fire Flower