9 November 2007 - Taipei

We woke up rather late. So after breakfast, we went to a wholesaler 光南批發 located very near to hotel to buy CDs/DVDs. I bought quite a lot of CDs again… Hehe
As it was past noon after all our shopping, we had lunch at one of the 豚カツ (tonkatsu) restaurant nearby. The food was rather nice. We decided not to go 淡水 since there is not much time as we need to meet Leo’s friend at 7pm. So we decided to spilt our ways. Leo went to the same place to source for her comics and I went to 新光三越 to shop for Nike and Addidas stuff. I took my own sweet time to look through all the items in that floor, tried the gym wear. I bought a Addidas sports bra (50% off – good buy!) and a Nike sports pant. I was rather disappointed that Nike don’t have nice sports pants that I am looking for.
I met up with Leo and her friend Hwee Ching at 劍潭站 to go to 士林夜市 (Shilin Night Market - a big night market). I like士林夜市, I like the atmosphere of night market. There are so many shops and eatery stalls.
I stopped at Nike Women Store. It was the first few shops we saw when we started the 士林夜市 tour. I spent one plus hour there to try the gym wear. I tried 10 plus pieces of gym tops and about 10 pieces of gym pants! Oh gosh, first time I felt as if I am a rich lady. I bought 8 gym wear at first. Then I saw the pant which I had noticed when I entered the shop at the Nike phamplet. It was a dance pants. The color is unique and I like it. So I tried again and bought it. So in total I bought 9 pieces of gym wear from Nike Women Store. Although there is 20% discount storewide, I still paid quite a lot for these items. I cannot imagine I bought 9 pieces of Nike stuff today. I don’t mind paying that much at one go. I need the gym wear and I am not those that like to follow gym wear fashion. So this much can last me for the next couple of years.
We went around window shopping and buying small snacks. I like the poh piah ice cream. I hate the 臭豆腐 (smelly beancurd). I cannot stand the smell from far. Leo asked me to try eating it. I tried a bit but puke it out. The smell was really disgusting. Never in my life would I want to eat臭豆腐 again. Luckily Hwee Cheng has chewing gum with her and gave it to me. Else my mouth will be stinked with 臭豆腐.
The shoes in 士林夜市 are cheap but many designs do not have my size. I bought a pair of boots, which cost only about S$20. Cheap! But I guess the quality is not good and maybe won’t last long.
We left 士林夜市 about 12 midnight and caught the last train. Lucky! The weather was cool, so it was nice walking at士林夜市.
As usual, Leo and I chatted after we took the shower. She complained that her stomach is so big because of overate. I said she looks as if she is 5 months pregnant and she agreed. Haha! I tried to control my diet and not to overeat. Else I have to work out like crazy when back to Singapore.
I slept at almost 3am… ah, have to get a good sleep and conserve energy for the concert.
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