Soul with Masha

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Seventh Avenue

Recently I have been listening to w-inds new album - Seventh Avenue, which was released on 2 July. This is their seventh album.

As compard to their last album, Journey, I prefer this album. The tracks in this album are catchy and it really makes me want to dance. There are only about 2 sentimental songs in this album. Although there are 15 songs in this album, I doubt w-inds will sing all the song in this year's concerts. They must have sing some old songs as well as the fans may not be familarized with the new songs within such a short period.

Today is the start of w-inds' first summer concert at パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホール. Noriko attended today's concert. I am sure she would have enjoyed it. I guess this year's concert will be good as well. There must be alot of dancing.

Frankly speaking, I don't feel sad not able to go for their concerts this year. I know very well that I have to save money and my priorty for this year. Just hope that I can go for w-inds concerts again.. probably next year.


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