Soul with Masha

Monday, July 21, 2008


I attended Wynners 33rd year anniversary concert at Indoor last Saturday. If I remember correctly, the last time they came for concert was in 1988. Wow! 20 years ago!!!

I sat at the balcony, so it was far from stage. Anyway, my friends and I enjoyed the concert even though we were seated far. There were 8 of us - Ros, SP, SP & Sis, Fen, Joan & her husband and me.

Wynners sang alot of old songs like "Sha La La La La," "不可以逃避,"陪著她," "L-O-V-E, Love." Those songs really bring back old memories... It's a pity that they sang "追趕跑跳碰" in Chinese. I would prefer them to sing in Cantonese.

It's the first time I heard 阿B sang "讓一切隨風" and "只要你過得比我好" live. He can really sing well. When he sang "只要你過得比我好," Three faces came to my mind... (^^)

When Wynners sang the last song "千載不變," SP and I put our hands on each other's shoulder at the same time. I put mine on Ros's shoulder. I was touched and shed tears when I sang the song with Wynners. SP, Ros and I have known each other for 15 years (with a few other friends). I would want us to be friends long long time like Wynners.

曲︰鍾鎮濤/譚詠麟 詞︰盧永強 編︰盧東尼  

常埋怨 人情冷暖太甚
面常換 為著要適應別人
茫茫風雨天 路途未免孤獨

誰無變 尤其過去幼嫩
轉變中 誓下了幾個諾言

原來世界怎麼變 友好的心不損
潮流混亂也不亂 大家始終勸勉
原來你我不相見 傳來問候更暖
心中至真至誠 綿綿千載此心不變

彼此有真友情 綿綿千載此心不變


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