14 April (Part 2) - 福山雅治のコンサート
Today we used Mami's tickets. We sat at the left side of the stage, 18 row. It was a bit far from the stage though...
All the audience started clapping at 6pm. The concert is supposed to start at 6pm, but it started at 6.15pm instead. The clapping continued for 15min, till the concert started.
Masha finally came out, and started singing 虹 (Niji - theme song for drama Waterboys) Oh my gosh, this is the first time I see Masha clearly on stage... of coz I went bonkers!
After singing a few songs, Masha started his talk. He first asked, as usual, where did the audience came from. Shikoku, Kanto, Kyushu etc.. and I did not expect him to ask overseas.. but his question.. 海外? popped up. I immediately jumped, waved and shouted `はい~. Oh god, the whole hall is full of my voice. The hall is so unique that it has a unique structure like a house and the echo is super big (it was meant to build for sports event like judo competition etc). There is only about 5500 audiences in the hall. The arena seats only about 2500 - 3000 seats. This is the smallest hall Masha has for this concert tour. Masha was surprised and looked at me and said ありがとう (thank you). He said he did not expect it... Oh gosh, this was a dream.. a dream that has lasted for 12 years... I cannot believe this has happened to me...
Masha started to sing again. His voice is super good now, that he has quitted smoking few years back. The way he played guitar, reminds me of Eric Clapton. Masha enjoyed so much on stage. And I am really happy to see that!
Masha asked again about the audience, who came for his concert first time and who came before. Then he said he is very 優しい and the lights when dim and spot light shine on him, before he asked which age group his audiences were from. He asked 十代, 二十代 (age group of 20plus) and then he said..ok, should stop here. (^.^)
Masha showed us photos taken at his tour around Matsuyama. He went to Laforet Harajuku Matsuyama (he does not understand why there is a Harajuku name in this building) and went to Tower Record to check his cds. Then he went to bookshop to check his photo book. And found... in front of his books (10 books in total), Tacky and Tsubasa’s calender was displayed!!! Hahaha.. we all laughed like mad. I saw this at the bookshop yesterday, but too bad did not meet him. He also went to a restaurant called “Duet”, and ate spaghetti. Of course he showed us the spaghetti was delicious, by showing a photo taken of his facial expression how good the spagetti tasted. Surprising the woman who sat in the next table did not realised it was him. He said only those who are interested in him are at the hall right now. So to conclude, he promotes his single again and his books.. he said we should buy his book so that TnT calender will not be displayed in front of his book (coz number decrease, it cannot hold the TnT calender).
I really enjoyed Masha`s concert.. clapped, danced and sang along with him.
During his talk, we did the big wave.. Masha gave us the instructions which side to start first. We did it three times and during encore did it again and even sang “Heart” along with the music (this music is always played at the end of his concerts) Of course the clapping continued again and again.. non stopped. Masha was touched. When he asked aren’t our hands painful, we replied no. When he said our voice are really loud coz of the echo, we shouted more..(^.^) He enjoyed this kind of conversation with us, and we enjoyed too!
When Masha sang [東京にもあったんだ] I tried to control my tears. I was really touched to hear him sang “live”. Songs like `Sandy` and `Freedom` were written because of the sad news he heard happening around the world. I am really impressed by the way how he could write his lyrics so heart warming and touching...
Before the double encore started, the music of 'Heart' was broadcasted. The audience started to sing 'Heart' along with the music! I joined in too. Masha was touched and can see his eyes a bit teary. He said something like "you all didn't sing properly, I will do it." And he sang 'Heart' in the encore.
Although Masha said there is still another concert tomorrow, we simply do not care and went crazy! All the shouts of his name “Masha”, claps, big waves.. It was tremendous. Masha`s fans are simply incredible. We do not need pen lights nor any other things, just to show him our love for him by cheering for him. He asked are we always that 元気 or just because of him that we are元気. He said is not that 元気 normally, only on stage... Ah, tomorrow is the finale.. one more day to enjoy with Masha!
Mami and I rushed back to hotel, wanted to catch “All Night Nippon.” Luckily we managed to tune to it. But both Mami and I fell asleep almost in the half part of the programme. We were just too tired.
I managed to catch a programme where Masha appeared. He sang a few songs and had a short interview. Lucky! Although sleepy but I managed t to watch the whole program. So did Mami!
Song list at concert
1. 虹
4. 美しき花
7. 東京
8. milk tea
10. あの夏も 海も 空も
11. Sandy
13. Peach!!
15. 追憶の雨の中
17. THE EDGE OF CHAOS ~愛の一撃~
19. 東京にもあったんだ
En1. もっとそばにきて
En2. 無敵のキミ
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