15 April (Part 2) - 福山雅治コンサート
Message by Masha after the concert
Ah.. the final day has come.. the concert is supposed to start at 5pm. Suzuki Talking FM (Masha`s radio program) was played at the hall.. as usual, I was excited and keep on perspiring before the concert.. I do not know why.. but good coz I need not go toilet.
The concert started at 5.15pm. Before it started, we started doing the big wave on our own. I really like all the audience, everyone is so co-operative. We did it three times and I felt touched!!!
This time, we used my ticket, sat at 22 row, but directly facing the stage.. so I could see Masha more clearly. Oh my god!!!!! I went crazy again.. coz this is is the finale, just use up all my energy!
Masha started to ask about his audience again.. wah, got Hokkaido fans.. and then he asked `日本以外`? I jumped and shouted again “はい~~” with all my energy!! Masha looked at me again and said he did not expect it.. guess what he said then.. `Hello!Hello!` and mumbled something like "Where do you come from?" I replied back `hello.` Oh gosh, I almost fainted!!!
Masha showed us the new photos he took today at Matsuyama city. Around 10plus am, he went to a Udon shop and of coz showed us the photos he took eating the udon. Then within walking distance of about 30second, another udon shop popped up. He ate the same type of udon, tasty. But he said this shop sell it 10yen more expensive than previous one. (^.^)
During the talk, we did that again, same like yesterday - when Masha said “立ち,” we all replied “ちょっと,ちょっと,ちょっと” (this is a famous phrase by two twin brother who are comedians ) and did the sign by moving our hands up and down. This is a famous line by one twin comedians. Today we did three times. Masha was impressed how good we did it. Yesterday he was impressed that we know about this. Very funny!
During encore, we did the big waves again, about 3 times. Masha did it with us and he said the wave was beautiful when he looked at it on stage.. I wondered which other fans of other artists will do that?
As usual, there is a photo taking session at the finale concert. Masha took with the band, with the arena audience as backdrop, haha. Then 南スタント audience and 北スタント audience。
Masha thanked the band, the lighting crew, the sound crew etc. He was worried that he forgot to thank which other crew and asked the staff at the backstage while he stood at the stage. He tried so hard to listen to what the staff said but we shouted his name. So in the end, he said of course there is no need to say that should thank him as well, with a proud look. (^.^) Of course he said it jokingly.
We started clapping and shouting name non-stop. Masha started to feel in a difficult position and asked aren’t we hungry? Tired? Do not want to go home? We simply replied “No.” (^.^)/ He then asked what time it was.. coz he was worried that we will miss the train. In the end, he could not resist us and sang 桜坂. when he did the intro with his guitar, he was so concentrated on it. One child sang something quite loudly, all of us laughed.Masha then realised something happened and asked us what happened, with a blur and worried look. Haha.. we all said “大丈夫” and assured him. He asked if he can play the guitar and sing the song! Of course we said “Ok” and he did the intro again, and finally sang the last song for us. Before he went off, he blow all of us 3 big kisses to each side of the audience (yesterday only once at arena).
Oh yesterday concert ended around 9.50pm (6.15-9.50, 3 hour 35min). Today, it ended at 9pm (3hour 45min). It was long, but fun. I cant bear to see him go as do not know when I will see him again. But I am sure Masha will be singing for us for quite sometime. He did mentioned that it was really good for him to do this job, feeling the support from his fans, although he has not thought that he will stay in this job for long. I am really grateful to Masha for bringing such nice songs.. if without him, I do not know what does talent means.. and I would not have realised how it is to like a person for such a long time.. Thanks Masha!
Mami has to rush for train and she has to worked on the next day. I took the last train instead. It was fantastic that JR actually implemented more trains to cater for this concert. When I walked at the shopping streets, I could see people holding Masha`s concert bags, I could hear his songs everywhere...his new single posters, displayed along the streets.. it was a 祭り as what Masha has mentioned.
I passed a memo to the staff for him to pass to Masha, I hope he reads it. Lucky me, I got to write the memo on the blank sheet given by the staff and took photo of it. Though it did not appear on the staff blog, I think Masha will read all the memos from the fans.
It was great to attend Masha`s concerts.. he is someone who is in my heart for 12 years. Unbelievable!The feeling for him will still continue... See you again, Masha!
Song list for concert
1. 虹
4. 美しき花
7. 東京
8. milk tea
10. あの夏も 海も 空も
11. Sandy
13. Peach!!
15. 追憶の雨の中
17. THE EDGE OF CHAOS ~愛の一撃~
19. 東京にもあったんだ
En1. もっとそばにきて
En2. 無敵のキミ
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