Soul with Masha

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

おもしろいな事 (Interesting Events)

1) 龍一 signature

I met a w-inds’ Japanese fan (はるらさん) and her mother at 詹先生 shop (selling idol’s stuff) at 士林夜市. We started talking when はるらさん paid for w-inds’ sticker. はるらさん watched w-inds concert at 福岡 (慶太’s hometown) and did not watched the concerts at Taipei. She suddenly told me she has 龍一’s signature. I was so excited! はるらさん showed me龍一 ‘s signature. I asked her if I could take a picture of it and she agreed. はるらさん, thank you so much!

PS. Seems like はるらさん likes龍一. She looked so happy when she mentioned about him.

2) Taxis

Some really die-hard Taiwanese fans booked the taxis to follow w-inds. Each taxi cost NT$3000 (approx. S$160) per day. The taxi drivers are all experts in following artists. They keep the fans’ belongings and allow them to draw on their taxis. At the concert venue, we can see those fans who booked the taxis drew and wrote on it. They wrote sentences like 「慶太, 大好き」, 「啓太」,「筋肉」 The taxis became part of the attraction at the concert venue. Media and fans kept taking photos of those taxis. An interesting scene that I have never seen in Singapore or Japan.


Ryohei, Keita and Ryuichi at press conference in Taipei

"Singapore" signhoard

Concert goods and 「十六夜の月」 single ( I got Keita's puzzle!)

Concert song list:
1. Lil’ Crazy
2. Party Down
3. Color Me
4. 夏空の恋の詩
5. 四季
6. aghea
7. song 4 U
8. 夢の場所へ
9. Pieces
encore ~
15. Super Lover ~ I need you tonight
16. Feel The Fate
17. try your emotion
18. 十六夜の月

1) Dancing queens
I was really excited on the first day of the concert. It was the first time I attended a concert at the arena, rock section (ie. no seats). I have heard of incidents where crazy Taiwan fans fainted at the concerts. I told myself I must have the energy throughout the concert and not to squeeze with those fans. So R & I stood at the right corner, near to the entrance/exit. There were a lot of space at where we stood and yet we could see the stage clearly.

When w-inds came out at 6.20pm, I was so excited! I never expect myself to see them so clearly (I have never seen Masha so clearly in concerts. Sob sob). I got high immediately and started jumping, shouting & screaming non-stop. R & I started dancing, shouting, screaming when the music started to play. I have never been seen R so crazy, neither have I seen myself behaved like this in a concert. It struck my mind that right music + right artist + ample space + atmosphere can really make one high and go crazy at a concert.

R & I could not stop dancing. One song after another, we just keep on dancing. The arena became our dancing floor! I think we are the only fans who danced in the whole stadium. Both R & I were there to enjoy the concert, and not to get close to w-inds. Probably that is why we enjoyed ourselves and became dancing queens.

We guessed that w-inds saw us dancing at the concert. Well, we stood where there was ample space. It’s quite easy to spot us since there were not many people around us. With my height, I think it’s also quite easy for them to see us. Maybe they will think why these 2 fellows can’t stop dancing. Ha!

2) Unforgettable moment
I suggested making a sign board that state シンガポール after I read reports on Taiwan and Hong Kong fans. R & I strongly agreed that we should not lost to those fans. So we stayed till 24 Sep 3am to make the layout of the words. We completed the project just before we left for the concert. We told ourselves: “we would be lucky if w-inds see this sign board.”

During MC time, we hold the board really high up for a while, till a selfish fan told us to put it down coz she said we blocked her. I was rather pissed off. Ryuichi was talking at that time and he started saying like there were fans from Taiwan, Hong Kong , シンガポール... Oh my God! When I heard シンガポール, I immediately jumped very high with my hands pointing up and screamed! I was so loud that I could not hear R’s voice, even though she told me she screamed too. I saw Keita was a bit surprised by my action! Probably he was thinking why this tall lady is so crazy. His facial expression is still in my mind! Guess Ryuichi and Ryohei were surprised too. Well, when Ryuichi mentioned Taiwan and Hong Kong, no one responded. The whole stadium was quiet and R & I were the only ones screaming. Well, hack care! This shows that R & I understand Japanese.

I am sure that Ryuichi knows about シンガポール because when he mentioned シンガポール, he said it smoothly.

Ryuichi, thank you so much for mentioning シンガポール!

3) Dancing
When I watched Ryuichi danced, I was like "Oh my God!!!” Ryuichi’s dancing really shocked me! I have never seen such a good dancing in my life. It is the first time I felt dancing is cool and fun.

Not that Keita and Ryohei’s dancing are not good, but when I watched Ryuichi danced, he gave me a deeper impression. Ryuichi looked so engrossed when he danced and I can see that he is really enjoying himself.

Ryuichi really inspires me to learn dancing. My goal is to dance better in their concert next year.

4) Conclusion
I am really happy that I have attended w-ins concerts. I could see Keita’s smiles. I really love to see Keita smiled to Ryohei and Ryuichi while they are dancing ~ shows that they are close and are enjoying themselves on stage.

I managed to see how fantastic Keita is as he danced and sang throughout the concert. His voice is still as good as in CD! I got to see Ryohei and Ryuichi’s superb dancing. I found that I could be so crazy in a concert. I realized that I enjoyed dancing. I have never enjoyed so much in a concert… These 2 concerts have given me too many good memories.

涼平, 慶太, 龍一 ~ 私に良い記憶を与えること ありがとうざいます! また会いましょう!

Monday, October 03, 2005

w-inds 'Ageha' concert 2005 in Taipei ~ 24 & 25/9/2005

Keita at Taipei concert

Ryuichi and Ryohei's superb dancing


為了「w-inds. LIVE TOUR 2005"ageha彩蝶風舞"in Taiwan」演唱會,w-inds.昨天中午就到新莊體育館彩排到下午四時,不過早早就有歌迷繞著新莊體育館排隊等候入場,甚至有人從前夜祭後就徹夜排隊,還有媽媽帶小孩一同觀賞,藝人孫協志、TORO、元氣也都前往。

晚間6:30在有古印地安場景味道的「呼風儀式」影片中,橘慶太、千葉涼平和緒方龍一穿印地安服,化身為解救乾旱的風之精靈,從舞台上跳躍而出,高唱快節奏歌曲「Lil' Crazy」、「Party Down」、「color me」、「夏日天空的戀歌」、「四季」炒熱氣氛開場,讓台下歌迷不斷拿著螢光棒尖叫、揮手。


原本在日本巡迴演唱會福岡場,橘慶太唱到一半,high到脫了露兩點,不過昨晚橘慶太僅脫了外面的背心,一旁的龍一作勢要再脫他衣服,涼平也故意想脫掉外套「挑逗」歌迷,引起歌迷尖叫。 唱至歌曲「ageha彩蝶風舞」後,三人分別大展舞技,「Song 4 U 」時,w-inds.應景換上了紅黑色的中國服裝,全場還有黑西裝、T-shirt等六套造型。安可曲時,龍一用中文高唱「SUPER LOVER」,還大喊「請跟我們一起唱」邀歌迷互動。最後在新曲「十六夜之月」中結束,共演唱18首歌曲。w-inds.今晚將有最後一場演唱會,預計明天13:25搭EL2104班機返日。 【2005/09/25 聯合報】

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w-inds.太專注於表演,在台上差點發生危險,涼平走到台邊時,忘記待會同一地點有爆破特效,幸好舞者機伶,趕緊將他拉回,在千鈞一髮之際,救了他一命,否則涼平肯定掛彩。昨晚w-inds.表現誠意,死背了「Super Love」的中文歌詞,當慶太開口唱第一句中文「開始、不小心,天上掉下愛意」,就讓歌迷瘋狂,w-inds.也不斷以「台灣最棒」表達他們對歌迷的謝意,演唱會結束時,三人更以一百八十度的鞠躬慎重感謝歌迷。w-inds今晚在台北縣新莊體育館還有第二場演唱會,昨晚現場已有不少歌迷在排隊,他們預計明天搭乘13時25分的EL2104班機返日。 【2005/09/25 聯合晚報】

前夜祭 ~ 23/9/2005

Ryohei, Keita and Ryuichi





與歌迷見面僅半小時,w-inds.就先行離去,隨後則播放來台期間的花絮。晚餐則前往享用日本料理,並專心準備今晚的演唱會。 【2005/09/24 聯合報】

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涼平愛耍寶,在台上抽完籤之後,自己要打開來看,但上面寫的是中文,他根本看不懂,但他卻煞有其事的拿著紙唸,「我是千夜涼平,請大家多多指教」,明知道涼平是在耍寶,但是光憑他把這兩句中文記得這麼牢,就值得歌迷給他熱烈掌聲。龍一昨晚穿得很酷,他手上擦的指甲油特別明顯,龍一說他擦指甲油看心情而定,最喜歡擦紅色和黑色的指甲油。 【2005/09/24 民生報】

w-inds concert at Fukuoka

Keita at Fukuoka

Concert opening

特派記者 傅繼瑩/日本福岡31日專電】



演唱會剛開始,大螢幕上一群印地安人感嘆大地枯竭,以祈雨儀式呼喚3位風之精靈幫助,隨即w-inds.穿著印地安服裝一躍而出,瞬間引爆台下4000歌迷的熱情,而這次名為「Live Tour2005 ageha」的演唱會,果然「彩蝶」滿天飛!不但VTR有森林裡蝴蝶飛舞畫面,周邊商品也都以蝴蝶設計,連台下幾乎清一色的女歌迷身上、頭上都到處可見蝴蝶飾品。

「四季」、「song 4U」等一連串精采唱跳後,緒方龍一感性的說:「希望大家把所有煩惱、不愉快,在這裡全都忘掉,跟著我們一起盡情唱跳吧!」慶太掩不住的高興表示:「很久沒回福岡了,晚上想跟老朋友們碰面,一起出去玩玩。」當慶太說他到東京太久,在福岡朋友人數用10隻手指數得出來,龍一聽了卻說:「我在老家(北海道)朋友更少,只剩2個了!」


在發布了兩個好消息之後,w-inds.唱起快節奏的「時光機器」,狂野搖滾的節奏和歌迷超high的情緒,讓慶太唱到一半就情不自禁的脫去上衣露出鍛鍊有成的肌肉,此舉又再度引起全場歌迷高分貝的尖叫,演唱會在「SUPER LOVER」、「Feel The Fate」等超人氣冠軍歌曲的大合唱中,依依不捨的進入尾聲,w-inds.還特別在安可曲最後,演唱新歌「十六夜之月」,並率先穿上新MV中的新打歌服讓歌迷欣賞。



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