Ryohei, Keita and Ryuichi at p
ress conference in Taipei
"Singapore" signhoard
Concert goods and 「十六夜の月」 single ( I got Keita's puzzle!)Concert song list:
1. Lil’ Crazy
2. Party Down
3. Color Me
4. 夏空の恋の詩
5. 四季
6. aghea
7. song 4 U
8. 夢の場所へ
9. Pieces
encore ~
15. Super Lover ~ I need you tonight
16. Feel The Fate
17. try your emotion
18. 十六夜の月
1) Dancing queens
I was really excited on the first day of the concert. It was the first time I attended a concert at the arena, rock section (ie. no seats). I have heard of incidents where crazy Taiwan fans fainted at the concerts. I told myself I must have the energy throughout the concert and not to squeeze with those fans. So R & I stood at the right corner, near to the entrance/exit. There were a lot of space at where we stood and yet we could see the stage clearly.
When w-inds came out at 6.20pm, I was so excited! I never expect myself to see them so clearly (I have never seen Masha so clearly in concerts. Sob sob). I got high immediately and started jumping, shouting & screaming non-stop. R & I started dancing, shouting, screaming when the music started to play. I have never been seen R so crazy, neither have I seen myself behaved like this in a concert. It struck my mind that right music + right artist + ample space + atmosphere can really make one high and go crazy at a concert.
R & I could not stop dancing. One song after another, we just keep on dancing. The arena became our dancing floor! I think we are the only fans who danced in the whole stadium. Both R & I were there to enjoy the concert, and not to get close to w-inds. Probably that is why we enjoyed ourselves and became dancing queens.
We guessed that w-inds saw us dancing at the concert. Well, we stood where there was ample space. It’s quite easy to spot us since there were not many people around us. With my height, I think it’s also quite easy for them to see us. Maybe they will think why these 2 fellows can’t stop dancing. Ha!
2) Unforgettable moment
I suggested making a sign board that state シンガポール after I read reports on Taiwan and Hong Kong fans. R & I strongly agreed that we should not lost to those fans. So we stayed till 24 Sep 3am to make the layout of the words. We completed the project just before we left for the concert. We told ourselves: “we would be lucky if w-inds see this sign board.”
During MC time, we hold the board really high up for a while, till a selfish fan told us to put it down coz she said we blocked her. I was rather pissed off. Ryuichi was talking at that time and he started saying like there were fans from Taiwan, Hong Kong , シンガポール... Oh my God! When I heard シンガポール, I immediately jumped very high with my hands pointing up and screamed! I was so loud that I could not hear R’s voice, even though she told me she screamed too. I saw Keita was a bit surprised by my action! Probably he was thinking why this tall lady is so crazy. His facial expression is still in my mind! Guess Ryuichi and Ryohei were surprised too. Well, when Ryuichi mentioned Taiwan and Hong Kong, no one responded. The whole stadium was quiet and R & I were the only ones screaming. Well, hack care! This shows that R & I understand Japanese.
I am sure that Ryuichi knows about シンガポール because when he mentioned シンガポール, he said it smoothly.
Ryuichi, thank you so much for mentioning シンガポール!
3) Dancing
When I watched Ryuichi danced, I was like "Oh my God!!!” Ryuichi’s dancing really shocked me! I have never seen such a good dancing in my life. It is the first time I felt dancing is cool and fun.
Not that Keita and Ryohei’s dancing are not good, but when I watched Ryuichi danced, he gave me a deeper impression. Ryuichi looked so engrossed when he danced and I can see that he is really enjoying himself.
Ryuichi really inspires me to learn dancing. My goal is to dance better in their concert next year.
4) Conclusion
I am really happy that I have attended w-ins concerts. I could see Keita’s smiles. I really love to see Keita smiled to Ryohei and Ryuichi while they are dancing ~ shows that they are close and are enjoying themselves on stage.
I managed to see how fantastic Keita is as he danced and sang throughout the concert. His voice is still as good as in CD! I got to see Ryohei and Ryuichi’s superb dancing. I found that I could be so crazy in a concert. I realized that I enjoyed dancing. I have never enjoyed so much in a concert… These 2 concerts have given me too many good memories.
涼平, 慶太, 龍一 ~ 私に良い記憶を与えること ありがとうざいます! また会いましょう!