Anego ~アネゴ~
篠原涼子 and
赤西 仁 in
This is one of the dramas which I have watched recently and strongly recommend it to my friends. It is a good drama and I like it a lot.
The story evolved around 野田奈央子 (played by 篠原涼子), a 32 year old 独身 OL. desparately wanted to get married due to her age. Her life changes when she met a junior staff 黒澤 明彥 (played by 赤西 仁) and 沢木翔一 (played by 加藤雅也 )
The storyline is very realistic and it interests me. Another factor that interests me is 篠原涼子 and 赤西 仁. I’ve started to like 篠原さん ‘s acting ever since I watched her in 「光とともに…自閉症児を抱えて」.
I still remember that I did not have a good impression of 篠原さん back in 1990s. She invited 小室哲哉 to compose songs for her. There were some rumours that 篠原さん quarreled with小室哲哉’s artists due to jealously. I saw her in a variety show and frankly speaking, don’t like her look then as there was no character.
篠原さん’s singing career did not went well and concentrated on acting. I have seen her in quite a number of dramas. She did not acted as the main role. These few years her acting has improved, and perhaps lady luck shine on her too. I do think that she acted very well in Anego. She won the 第45回日劇學院大賞最佳女主角獎 for her acting in Anego. Now 篠原さん is my favourite actress. She is my first favourite actress actually.
As for 赤西 仁, I knew him from his group, Kat-tun. 赤西くん got popular because of his role in 「ごくせん」I have not watched 「ごくせん」when I watched Anego. So I was interested to see how his acting is. Well, I think his acting is just right for the role as 黒澤くん. He acted well in some scenes. I enjoyed watching the scenes where 篠原さん and 赤西くん talked to each other and at the same time thinking out loud in their hearts. Very humourous! I think 赤西くん can be a good actor if he puts effort to improve his acting skills.
I’ve enjoyed Anego so much that I would like to watch it again. How I wish I have a junior like 黒澤くん!
山田孝之 as 電車男
中谷美紀 as Ms Hermes

and Ms Hermes first met

changed his image!

dines with Ms HermesArghh….「電車男」movie is currently showing in Taiwan. It was released in Japan in early June, and now Taiwan has it. So unfair!! When is Singapore showing it???
I would prefer the movie rather than the drama. I think 山田孝之 has portrayed the image of 「電車男」well. 中谷美紀 also has Ms Hermes style.
Heard that some Japanese went crazy over Hermes cup (a gift from Ms Hermes to 「電車男」in the movie) because of this movie.
Japanese movies and dramas can really influence their people. No joke. Don’t think Singapore or Hong Kong dramas have this power. やつパリ日本のトラマと映画もすごいね。
News ~ 內 博貴の事件
NewsClockwise from centre:山下 智久 (Yamashita Tomohisa, BD: 9 Aug 1985), 小山 慶一郎 (Koyama Keichiro, BD: 1 May 1984), 手越 裕也 (Tegoshi Yuuya, BD: 11 Nov 1987), 増田 貴久 (Masuda Takahisa, BD: 4 Jul 1986), 草野 博紀 (Kusano Hironori, BD: 15 Feb 1988), 加藤 成亮 (Katou Shigeaki, BD: 11 Jul 1987), 錦戸 亮 (Nishikido Ryou, BD: 3 Nov 1984) & 内 博貴 (Uchi Hiroki, BD: 10 Sep 1986)
I started to support News because of 山P. In fact, before I like 山P, I like one of News’ songs 「希望 ~ Yell ~」. This was the theme song of World Woman Volleyball in Year 2004.
Perhaps due to the large number of members in News (it was 9 when it started the group in 2003, 1 withdrew from the group later), it is kind of difficult to see there is a close relationship between the members.
I don’t like 内 博貴 and 草野 博紀 from the News video I watched. The video was filmed in 2003 and it documented News’ activities in the World Women Volleyball. Reason being the both of them are too arrogant and like to show off. So I do not pay attention to their news. The only thing I know of 内くん is he is very close to 錦戸くん because they are both borne in Osaka and are also members of 関ジヤニー.
News has released their new single 「Teppen」 (meaning: summit, 天邊, theme song of World Women Volleyball 2005) on 13 Jul. Ironically after 2 days of the release of their single, 内くん got into trouble. 内くん was arrested by the police on 15 Jul for 未成年飲酒. He was promoting World Women Volleyball at 仙台 with other members. After the event, he was asked by a few of the Fuji TV crew out for a drink. He got drunk and while on his way alone back to hotel, he created some commotion at the park. He was later arrested by the police.
内くん’s company, Johnny’s Entertainment Inc banned him from appearing on all shows. This affected his drama as well. He was the main cast of summer drama 「がんばりましょう」. The TV station withdrew his parts from the drama.
There were a lot of discussions about 内くん’s incident in BBS. Fans are angry and blamed the Fuji TV crew for asking him out for drink, even knowing that he is 未成年. News members refused to give any comments on 内くん’s incident from then. Till on 26 Jul, when they performed 「SUMMARY」(musical), 小山くん and 山P gave their comments. 小山くん said “even though 内くん is 未成年, he should have the judgment to know that he is not supposed to drink alcohol and should reject the offer.” Members bowed their heads and apologized. 山P then said “内くん treasured the times he had with fans. We are sorry that our fans’ dreams have been destroyed.” Members bowed their heads again. The audience was dead silent when this happened. 小山くん then said 「今日は7人でしたが、気持ちは8人で頑張りました」
The next few sessions on that day, Members repeated their message and bowed their heads to apologize.
I am really sad to hear about News 謝罪 in front of 1800 people. I feel that they are really brave. They take the responsibility of apologizing on what their member had done.
In Japan entertainment scene, the artist will be banned for many months for misconduct. It may be 6 months or even longer. This is what they called 反省 period, and also allow audience to forget the misconduct. Perhaps the artist has a social responsibility in Japan. However, artists having pre-marital sex, 奉子成婚, isn’t it violating moral rules and sending out the wrong message???
I think it unfair to 内くん. It is hard for him to turn down the crew’s invitations, even though he know that he is not supposed to drink. Especially in Japan, maintaining good business relationships is very important. The brainless crew, knowing 内くん is 未成年, still ask him to drink alcohol. It serve them right for being questioned by the police and received punishment from the Fuji TV management. I really don’t know what is the benefit of them of destroying the career of a 19 year old young man.
Come to think of it, perhaps 内くん has shown arrogance because he is born in Osaka. Osaka people are more 直接, 爽朗, 不拘小節. This may seen as arrogant to some people, like me.
内くん is currently at his home in Osaka. Imagine his life is just being questioned by police, can’t go around (because of reporters) and do the job he likes. It is really torturing. I hope内くん will not give up due to this incident, and still be the same 内くん he used to be. Perhaps more mature. I miss 内くん’s laughters and smiles. I really hope to see him as the same cheerful 内くん when he appears in public again.
内くん ~ とんなあっても、自分の信念は絕対に 捨てないて下さい。かんばってね。
山PとNews他のメンバー ~ お疲れ様でした。これからも かんばってください。