Soul with Masha

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Masha's 20th Single

福山雅治通算20枚目,希望のNew Single
フジテレビ系 ”月9”ドラマ[スローダンス] 主題歌


2005.08.17 (wed) release!!
C/W; わたしは風になる

初回限定盤:UUCH-9009/¥1,300 (税込)

通常盤:UUCH-5072/¥1,050 (税込)

Probably the reason why Masha named his new single 「東京」 is because this year is his 15th anniversary in showbiz. He departed from his hometown 長崎 to 東京 15 years old to fulfill his dream as a musician. He has special feeling for 東京. This is probably not a place where he will spend his retirement. But it is definitely a place that he would not forget.

Heard the song chorus a bit. Like the melody because I like to listen to the strumming of the guitar. Really Masha's style. Mさん said the lyrics are meaningful. I can't wait to get hold of Masha's radio programs Mさん recorded for me and listen to this song!

I am really glad that Masha has included わたしは風になる in this single. He has sang this song ever since last year's Olympic. I have heard this song in his concerts and really wish to have it on CD. The next song I am going to look forward to in his CD is FREEDOM, which is the theme song of his 15th anniversary concert.

PS. I bought a MD cum MP player to listen to Masha's radio programs. I must really thank Mさん for recording Masha's radio programs!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

福山雅治待望のNEWシングル発売 !!!


フジテレビ系 7月4日(月) 放送開始のドラマ 『スローダンス』 主題歌、福山雅治待望の NEWシングルの詳細が続々決定しています!

【DVD付き初回限定盤 & 通常盤同時発売】
· [初回限定盤:CD+DVD] UUCH-9009  \1,300(税込)
· [通常盤:CDのみ]      UUCH-5072  \1,050(税込)

※初回限定盤は 『東京』 のイメージクリップを収録したDVD付き!

01)東京 作詞・作曲: 福山雅治
02)タイトル未定 作詞・作曲: 福山雅治
03)東京 (instrumental)
04)M-2楽曲 (instrumental)

Wah! Masha's hair has grown longer! I like this photo alot! He looks more fresher as compared to the photo from the last single. Masha looks nice in simple and plain clothes with jeans. Aiyo ~ he's really カコイ!!!

Friday, July 08, 2005


The hot season ~ summer has arrived in Japan. Though most Japanese hate the hot weather, they have a special feeling towards summer. Japanese feel that summer is a time for 恋 (romance). So there are singles (especially youngsters) who aim to engage into a relationship during summer.

During summer, there are夏祭り(natsu matsuri = summer festival) in almost every part of Japan. Food and game stalls are set up for this festival. There are also fireworks and performances during the festival.

Japanese will wear ゆかた (Yutaka = cheaper version of kimono) to turn up for this festival. I have tried the ゆかた once (borrowed from my Japanese’s friend while she came to Singapore) It is really comfortable and cooling to wear it. That is why ゆかた is the best choice of clothes to wear in summer.

I think it is fun to wear ゆかた and attend the 夏祭り. I really hope I can try it one day. But to think of the hot weather.. probably I should give up this idea [ I went to Japan in mid September before, it was really hot! ]

Talking about ゆたか, I like to see Japanese men in ゆかた. Reason being ゆかた is part of Japanese culture. I find that not all Japanese men look nice in ゆかた. One of the Japanese men whom I find nice in ゆかた is 玉木宏 (Tamaki Hiroshi). 玉木さん, standing 1.8m tall, has the model built. Probably that is why he looks good in ゆかた. OIOI [department store] seems to agree with me. If not,
玉木さん would not be chosen by them to be the ゆかた spokesman for the consecutive second year. In fact, I think 玉木さん looks nice in ゆかた rather than modern clothes.

玉木宏 in ゆかた

玉木宏 in modern clothes

A brief introduction of 玉木宏:

玉木さん started out as an actor and released 2 singles and an album. Lady luck didn’t really shine on him as he didn’t have that much opportunities as compared to 妻夫木 聰 , even though they acted in the same movie ~ Waterboys.

玉木さん has a good voice and the potential to be a good singer. If he can spend more time on his singing career and manage to get a hit song, I guess more people will recognize him as a singer. I personally prefer him to sing rather than acting.

PS. I have not seen Masha in ゆかた on magazines or photos before. Sob sob..

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


w-inds are Ryohei (千葉涼平), Keita (橘 慶太) and Ryuichi (緒方龍一)

I started to like w-inds’ songs since last July or August. They had released their Best Tracks album at that time. So I could watch their MTVs on Chinese MTV almost everyday. I like their fast tracks and was amazed by the speed that they are growing. The one who has the biggest change is 橘 慶太 (Tachibana Keita). He has grown tremendously from a young kid to a 美少年., standing 1.8m tall. 涼平 and 龍一 joked that don’t know what kind of milk that 慶太 drinks to make him grow so tall. And of course, I like 慶太 as he is the typical type of guy I like.

I have been observing them and noticed that their relationships are close, just like good friends. This kind of relationship is not found in many Japanese boy bands, especially in Johnny’s boy band. Perhaps the only Johnny’s boy bands who have close relationship is Kink Kids.

w-inds is starting their summer concert tour in Japan on this Saturday.

w-inds Japan concert schedule
7/9(土) & 7/10(日)

7/20(水) & 7/21(木)
パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホール

7/25(水) & 7/26(木)

7/30(土) & 7/31(日)

8/2(火) & 8/3(水)


8/10(水) & 8/11(木)

8/13(土) & 8/14(日)

8/16(火) & 8/17(水)

8/20(土) & 8/21(日)

8/25(木) & 8/26(金)


8/30(火) & 8/31(水)


9/10(土) & 9/11(日)

I won’t have the chance to watch their coming concert tour in Japan. Maybe in future. However, I am planning to watch their concerts in Taipei this September.

w-inds. Live tour 2005"ageha"公演日程:9月24(土)、25(日)会場:中華民国 台湾省 新荘市 「新荘体育館」コンサート会場開場:16時30分/開演:18時00分

They had 2 concerts in Taipei last year and received praises from the Taiwan media on their performances.

慶太 said in an interview with Chinese MTV Channel that he hoped Taiwan fans can memorise the lyrics of [ageha] and sing it together with him at the concert. [ageha] is a very meaningful song that talks about friendship. I like this song very much. It’s a different style from their past songs.

I hope I can get the concert tickets (very hard to get coz there are a lot of w-inds fans in Taiwan) and sing [ageha] with 慶太 at the concerts!

慶太, 涼平, 龍一 ~ 夏のコンサートは かんばってね.