
看後觀感 after watching いま、あいにゆきます last Saturday (25/6/2005).
1) The cast The producer has picked the right cast. The cast’s acting is good and has brought the character to life. 中村獅童 has portrayed the character so well ~ 笨拙, 不善言語, 深情, 誠懇 的秋穂 巧(あいお たくみ). It is very hard for me to think he was once the fierce ping pong player in the movie Ping Pong.
As for 竹内結子, she has always given me the impression of being a 賢淑 和溫柔的日本女人. So she probably did not have any problem taking up the role of 秋穂 澪(あいお みお). As I would think she did not give me any surprises in this movie.
武井 証 (たけい あかし) is the cute and acting is natural. I really salute these Japanese 童星 . They can act so naturally and well.
2) The scenes that I like
a) 中村 and 竹内 at the train platform ~ where 竹内 places her hand in 中村’s jacket pocket to keep her hand warm. The same scene happened in the woods too. This shows that many times, action is much better than words.
b) The 3 of them walking in the woods ~ projected a 幸せの感じ
3) Scenes that touched my heart
a) 武井 cried and asked 竹内 whether he is the cause of her death. I cannot imagine a few years old kid asking such a painful to his mother in real life.
(By this part, I have heard quite a number of sniff sniff from those sitting around me)
b) 巧 cried and told 澪 that he is very sorry that he is unable to bring her happiness. I felt heartbreaking when I saw this scene. A guy who can say that really proves that he loves the woman a lot.
The director, 土井裕泰(どい のぶひろ)at a recent interview with Straits Times said that ‘this film is about the miracle of meeting people and the destiny of love’ And he wanted to ‘express the meaning of death in a positive way.’ He further said ‘in films, you can create anything you want with CGI or special effects. In life, we can also pretty much get everything by using technology. So we are losing a purity of experience, hence, pure love.’ I totally agree with 土井裕泰. Nowadays, it is very hard to have a movie with a simple storyline and filmed in a simple way with a great cast. Probably this is one of the reasons why this movie is so popular.
PS. 世界の中心で、愛おさけぶ (在世界的中心呼喊愛情) is finally showing in Singapore! It will be showing in Cineleisure next month. Although I have the DVD, I may watch it again at the cinema. The feeling of watching at cinema and at home is different. If I am forced to choose between いま、あいにゆきます and 世界の中心で、愛おさけぶ, I will choose the later as the story is more realistic and heartbreaking.