Soul with Masha

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I managed to buy sunflower today!!! (^-^)v

I bought it from a florist near my house. The uncle is nice and recommend me a few good sunflowers for me to chose. He said the sunflower will bloom nicer normally on the second day. He also taught me how to take care of the sunflower to make it last longer (5-6 days).

I was so happy when I hold the sunflower on my way home. I kept smiling to myself. It's the first time I bought a sunflower, and most important the first time I bought a flower for myself. I bought a MUJI vase especially to put sunflower.

Why do I want to buy a sunflower? Well, partly because of 上地くん. I started to like sunflower because of him. I wanted to buy it on 4 Oct, the day when Hexagon Concert was held. But I don't have a vase then... anyway, I wanted to brighten up my room. So there I go, bought the sunflower.

Well, I feel happy the whole day, though I was unwell. I feel happy when I look at the sunflower. Just feel 元気!I begin to understand why 上地くん likes sunflower.


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