Soul with Masha

Saturday, October 04, 2008


I like Bodypump 67. It's challenging!!! Especially the chest press. I tried to increase my weights from 5kg to 7kg but it's a bit tough for me. Almost wanted to give up on the Wednesday class. Today went back to 5kg again. Will try to push myself! My chest muscles are too weak. m(_ _;)m

I want to increase weights for my squats but hesistant to do so as my leg muscles are very tight recently. It affects my dance movements. Now I try to do more stretching before and after exercising/dance. In fact I am very worried that I will get injury or my muscles are tight as I do not want stop dancing. Nevertheless I will still have to increase weights for the squats these few weeks so that I can strengthen my leg muscles.

Guess I have to stop body combat. My knees are giving some problems coz of combat. Probably coz I didn't do the right kicks. Also, I suffered from some blue blacks coz of exotic dance. So, need to rest my knees. Else I can't dance!!!

I prefer pump than combat. Maybe I'm obsessed with muscles training??? Well, I like the feeling of looking fit and with nice biceps. Now when I look at my hands, I can see the nice veins on both hands. I feel so sexy. (^-^)v

Am I crazy??!! Σ( ̄□ ̄)!


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