27 August 2006 - 無人島 Festival 2006
Entrance to 無人島 Festival 2006
Board with ましゃ pictures for fans to take photos
*無人島 (Mujinto) means Dreamers paradise - an event that accomodates 60,000 visitors, excluding staff.
I went to 浜名湖 (Hamana Go) in Shizuoka for the concert. Mujinto was initated by 桑田圭祐さん of Southern All Stars. It is a theme where they want to link people relationship and to care for the earth. The venue is a big park at Hamana Go.
The park was really big and weather is extremely hot. I drank almost 2 litres of water within 1 morning. It took us a long time to walk from one place to another. Of course my aim is to buy concert goods and glad to found Masha goods for this concert only too. Simply bought all his goods without considering much. Only a few items on sale.
There were street concerts, street performers and displays.It was just like a carnival! Mami and I spent alot of timeto take Masha big board. There is this place where visitorscan take photos with the big board of the various artists who took part in this concert. They have props to take the photos too. Like for Masha, it is a white jacket coz hewear white jacket for the photos taken for the single Milk Tea.
We joined in the main concert around 3 plus. The place was so big that we have to walk for a while before we get to our allocated block. Dragon Ash was singing. I do not bother, but still enjoy and danced. Then Pornografti. They cant really make the audience high. The audience were really high when 加山雄三 Kayama Yuuzou) sang. He is a 69 year old man and he can sing well. The people beside me. no matter men or women, sang along with him. Me too as there were lyrics on the screen and some of the songs are quite catchy,though really old songs. I kind of feel touched, especially he is respected by so many people and his son recorded a short message to him for this event. His son is getting married in Sep and he felt this is a good gift that his dad is being invited for this concert.Finally, the moment has come.. Masha! The narrater called him Masaji which is massage.. haha. Anyway, when Masha came out, I started to shout like crazy. He wore a white sleeveless shirt and black pants with stylo belt. He looks so kakoii! He is in great shape, wow, with his muscles. He would not wear this kind of shirt previously. But it is good that he has changed and take care of his health now.
Masha started singing and played guitar, along with hisband. But but.. no sound! He sang for a few lines till a staff stopped him. None of the band nor him can hear this as they wore earphones to prevent them from the echos.Masha looked surprised when the staff told him and he was calm. He apologised and asked the band to check their sound. Everything is ok, he started to sing Hello and I went crazy! He is really experience now, can handle such situation.
Masha sang Love Train, first time he sang live. Then Red XBlue, 虹, あの夏も海も空も and Milk tea. I guessed 4 songs correctly. Anyway, Masha did not talked much, just mentioned he felt happy to be there, peforming at 無人島.
There were intially 3 BIG screens showing the artists, butwhen Masha came out, the 2 other screens showed his facetoo, after releasing all the ballons. So I can see 5 screens of Masha!
Both Mami and I were shocked that his performance was so short. I was kind of expecting that it will be short, but still cannot accept the fact that it is so. I though he may have left for Tokyo, to rush for his radio programma at 11.30pm. He normally reach the radio station early to prepare for it. It was around 6.20pm when he appeared forthe concert.
When Southern All Stars appeared, 60,000 went wild! Their songs are kind of like for carnival and talk about summer.Those people around me, started singing, dancing, all went crazy. The uncles and aunties behind me were singing his songs all the way. The guys next to me were jumping and clapping like mad men. It is the first time I felt SAS power. Though I do not really follow their songs, I think their songs are really powerful in concert, can make people high.
桑田圭祐さん sang 真夏の果実. His singing was better than Jacky Cheung (Jacky Cheung translated the song to Cantonese). I sang along with him as i can feel the song in Japanese better!
When the concert is about to end, Masha came out again.This time all in red. Red long sleeve shirt. Cool! Kuwata asked us to call him Masaji. He sang with Kuwata, Kayama,Porografti. I think it is a SAS song. Too bad Masha did not come to our side, only to the left side facing the stage.
Then when about to end, Masha lead them to line up in a horizontal line and wave, this is the usual practice for end of his concert. Kuwata said Masha lead them and Masha asked the audience to do so too. Kuwata then slapped Masha on his head. Haha. Joke, joke.
They left the stage and fire works followed by it. The fireworks were beautiful. Very beautiful. I have never seen before. Though not too long, but still, I kept exclaiming when I saw it.
We waited for about half an hour before it is our turn tomove out of the venue. The scene outside the park wasfabulous. 60,000 people queuing up differently for different location.
I took the bus back to Nagoya. Reached Nagoya station at1.30am and damn, it alighted at Big Camera side, which is the opposite side of my hotel direction. Their opposite was far. I got to walked all the way, and under a dark road below the train track. I was more worried about the bad guys rather than spirits. I used all my energy, though very sleepy to walk back to hotel. Finally reached hotel at 1.40am...The TV was still showing 24 hour television and I saw Koki of Kat-tun swimming in the pool... slept at 3.30am.
Sunday could not sleep. Slept at 4.30am, woke up early for concert and then Monday slept in the early morning..arghh.. got to catch up my sleep!
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