Soul with Masha

Monday, October 20, 2008


I don't know why, I tend to fall asleep sometimes on the train in Japan. Especially during winter...

Maybe because I am sleepy... or the seats are warm during winter. Also, the trains move in such a way that it is as if I am on a rocking bed.. makes me feel so nice and want to sleep. (^_^;)


  • At October 20, 2008 at 8:27 PM , Blogger Lozé said...

    Ahhh ! I also fall asleep in Japanese trains and I don't know why!!!
    I take the train every day in France, but i never fell asleep before!!
    First time I went to Japan, few years ago, I was very surprised to see everybody sleeping in the train, I thought I couldn't do it. But, during my last stay in Japan, in June, I was sleepy all the time in the train too! As soon as I sat down, I wanted to sleep like everybody, even if it was only for 10min! I was a bit afraid to really fall asleep and missed the stop XD
    I thought they maybe vaporize a soporific gas or something like that XD because since I came back in France, I can't sleep anymore in the train...

  • At October 20, 2008 at 11:38 PM , Blogger Fukumasha said...

    Sometimes I am worried that I missed the station too...

    Unless I take Shinkansen, I can sleep soundly... haha


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