Soul with Masha

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I had bad cramp around 3am and couldn't get to sleep. So didn't sleep well for the whole night and went to see doctor. Took medical leave today and rest at home.

I managed to read quite a fair bit of 「容疑者Xの献身」, still left about 100pages more to finish it. Took 2 short naps as I was too tired and drained...

Managed to watch Quiz Hexagon "live" and was glad that there was no lag. Today it showed the bits of Hexagon Family Concert. 羞恥心 and the rest had to answer quizzes in order to have the rights to request to show the songs they want. Only つるのさん、上地くん and のっく solo were showed full version while the rest was shown a bit. Even songs by 羞恥心. The songs showed were (not in order):

1. 愛しい君よ (森山直太郎) - つるの
2.我か敵我にあり - 羞恥心
3. アブラゼミ♂ (東京バージョン) - 羞恥心
4. 羞恥心 -アンガールズ
5. アブラゼミ -エアバンド
6. ひまわり - 上地雄輔
7. 泣かないで - 羞恥心
8. 初めてのハッピーバースディ - 里田まいと藤原コンビ
9. STORY (A.I.) - 野久保直樹
10.陽は、また昇る ー アラジン

The song that I wanted to hear most is ひまわり. It's kind of a hip hop song, which sounds like 湘南乃風 style and I think this song suits 上地くん (湘南乃風 is one of 上地くん favorite singers). I like this song and I hope it can be put into 羞恥心 single or album someday. Well, the coupling song for next 羞恥心 single is つるの solo song. So who knows my wish may come true someday...

Then I just received Masha's new singles and We Love Hexagon album!!! (^-^)v

I watched Masha's 「想 - new love new world」 PV from the CD and yap, he's really charming! I love this song and Masha as a guitarist.

Skipped to watch 羞恥心 history from Hexagon album...

So come to think of it, today is not that bad after all for me...


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