Soul with Masha

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I love to drink 日本酒.

Whenever I am in Japan, I will drink everynight. Be it 日本酒 or beer. I drink beer is to make myself cooler, as I will eat heaty food there. 日本酒 is different. I enjoyed drinking it at night, after one long day of shopping/moving around. It makes me feel so relax.

I prefer to take Japan Airlines because they serve 日本酒. I still remember there was once I asked for 日本酒 from the air-stewardess, she was stunned. Hehe.. I asked Su about this and he told me that not many females, especially foreigners like 日本酒.

There were times when I drink 日本酒 and beer, one after another. The alcohol level for 日本酒 is normally above 13% but I don't get drunk. There was only once I got hangover as I drank 日本酒 (about 15% alcohol level) and beer (about 7% alocohol level) very fast on the night before. That was the night at Toyama, when I need to depart for Tokyo the next day and I cannot carry the 日本酒 and beer along.

The feeling of hangover is terrible. I just feel like vomitting the whole morning. It's a good experience. A lesson learnt on not to drink too fast in future.

Perina said I am a 酒鬼 because I drink every night. I disagree. I drink everynight in Singapore too, be it a little bit of red wine (I don't like red wine!) or Choya. It's to make myself sleep better and relax my body. I do admit that I love to drink but not excessive.


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