Soul with Masha

Monday, September 08, 2008


情熱 = Passion

I found that some friends or people around me do not have passion. They don't have particular things that they like or like to do.

I have been discussing this topic with one of my 親友, SP. She don't have a passion in the past. Well, it's just that her passion won't last long. Since last year she likes a taiwan singer called Yoga, and Yoga has become her passion. SP attended all Yoga's events in Sg and even his concerts in Taiwan, HK and Malaysia. I don't see this as a bad thing. It's always good to have someone or something that you like. At least you are occupied with your passion.

When people asked me don't I feel lonely being single? My replied is "No, not at all." I am occupied with so many things and I am really enjoying my life. One friend asked me "How can dance and gym be your passion? You only learn and that's it." Well, what she don't understand is that I put my heart in learning dance, and dance has become part of my life. As for gym, I enjoy working out and I treasure my health.

I like Masha, and Masha is my passion and he has played an important role in my life. I like w-inds and have been observing and learning their dances. I like 羞恥心 and they have become my passion too. Reading 上地くん、つるのさん and のっく blogs have become my daily habits and their blogs make me ponder and even want to find out more about them and understand the things they write. It may sound ridiculous to be crazy over artists. Well, to me, it's not just support and like the artists. There are good points of the artists which I can learn from.

Anyway, I just feel that having 情熱 is important in one's life.

Friends, if you don't have passion, perhaps it's time for you to search for one.


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