Third row from left to right: Akira, Makidai, Usa
Second row from left to right: Hiro and Matsu
First row from left to right: Atsushi and Takahiro
I watched EXILE 2007 concert “Evolution” past few days and gosh, I enjoyed it so much! I was so happy that I bought the concert dvd.
Despite of Shun’s departure, Atsushi’s operation and Matsu’s eye condition worsen in 2006, EXILE is still so powerful. With the two new members – Akira and Takahiro, the new EXILE projects a stronger charisma.
EXILE hold a “EXILE Vocal Battle Audition” in 2006 to find a vocalist to replace Shun. The audition was so popular and attracted over 10 thousand people to take part in the competition. Takahiro won the battle and I wondered why EXILE members chose him because his image does not fit into the usual EXILE. After watching the concert, I realized the reason. Takahiro has his own style and managed to blend and shine within EXILE. I kind of like Takahiro after watching the concert and a few variety programs. He is a straight forward guy, a typical 九州男児 (Takahiro is born in 長崎).
I started to like EXILE in early 2005. That was after I bought their "Single Best" album. I was attracted to their songs when I watched their best album CM in Japan. My dad actually commented that all EXILE members looked like gangsters. >-< I defended them by saying their songs and voices are good.
I simply love Atsushi’s voice. Masha’s voice is the number one in my heart, and then followed by Atsushi’s voice. Atsushi has such good voice and singing skills. Atsushi actually took part in “ASAYAN” competition but he did not win it (Both Chemistry won the competition). Hiro spotted Atsushi and invited him to join EXILE. I am so glad that Atsushi joined EXILE. Atsushi はやっぱりEXILEの感じですね .
Although Atsushi looks is not outstanding, and even look like a gangster, I simply cannot resist to his charm. I was rather shocked to see Atsushi cried in EXILE 2005 concert and in a program when he talked about his worries of being a burden to EXILE because of his voice pulp operation in 2006. Atsushi is so considerate and 優しい.
I like the new EXILE and I hope they will continue to shine. I really wish that I can attend their concert one day. I will wait for that day to come…
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